Title: "So I heard some things."
Fandom: Pokémon
Characters/Pairings: Mudkip x Seaking
Rating: K+/PG
Warnings: Uh. Crack.
Word Count: 242
Summary: Mudkip's heard some things.
Random drabble request thing. For
chocotaku. XD
Author's Notes: *hides*
"So I heard some things."
Seaking whirled around. "Look, if it's about Goldie's new school of kids, I'm tellin' you-look, it's not my fault." His voice became more high-pitched as he began to panic. "Look, I don't have enough money to pay for child support for all those hundreds of brats; it's really not my fault that her eggs were just lying around and I happened to dump my Pokésperm all over them-"
Mudkip blinked. "I... I, er, never knew about that."
Seaking wiped the proverbial sweat off his proverbial brow with the back of his fin. "Whew, that's a relief. All hell would'a broken loose if Goldie's parents found out that I was the father. Mind you, that Goldie, she'll dump her eggs wherever she can for poor, instinct-abidin' Seakings like myself to fertilize and all..."
Mudkip cleared his throat. "So, I heard you like Mudkips."
Seaking froze. "Who told you that?"
Mudkip shrugged. "I just heard it." He leaned in closer, trailing one of his paws along the side of Seaking's face, an alluring look on his face. "And, you know, this Mudkip has been very, very lonely lately... You see, there aren't that many girl Mudkips, and desperate times call for desperate measures, as they say."
"I... I..." Seaking stuttered, then gulped. Luckily for him, there weren't any piles of Goldeen eggs under him this time...
And that night, much flailing, mud sporting, and "SEAKING, FUCK YEAH!" could be heard on the banks of a lonely river.
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