Jul 06, 2010 15:50
HO SHIT, HIGH SCHOOL REUNION: I need to loose another 10 kg, get married and have at least one kid ASAP! This is so not what I need right now - I hate my life well enough on my own, I don't need to have 30 other people rubbing their awesome, successful lives in my face to do that!
So introduction meme! How would you introduce yourself on your high school reunion?
This is me:
Therese: Hi! I work as a web designer, but I kind of hate my job and find that it eats up every single aspect of my life and still doesn't leave me with any money to make up for that fact. I still have no boyfriend and I suspect that my mum thinks I'm a lesbian, to which I have to say: I WISH. But then again, it would kind of suck to realise that you are completely unlovable by both sexes. I live in a tiny studio apartment that turns into a sauna in the summer and an igloo in the winter. I have no kids, no pets and I can hardly keep a potted plant alive. I can't afford to go to the dentist or travel somewhere on my vacation, so I'll most likely spend it on my couch, scratching my nettle rash and drinking wine to dull the toothache. Since I have no respective other or spawn, my family treats me as an afterthought, together with the actual afterthought (my youngest brother). I almost exclusive own old, handed down furniture, the screen on my laptop is broken off its hinges, my credit card is maxed out, my TV will explode any day now and I still don't have a drivers license. HOW'S YOUR LIFE?
I think I need to watch Grosse Pointe Blank now. I knew I should have become a professional hitman.