So jump right in cause this is where it's at.. in the sea of cowboy hats

May 31, 2005 23:58

It's been an awesome last couple of days.

Mostly bummed around the house for the better part of the week. Ran some errands w/my dad and helped him get the garage organized.. crap like that

Friday night my brother and I went to see Big and Rich on the beach in VA beach. It was freakin awesome. Nothin like a bunch of drunk guys in cowboy hats. I had a good time. They put on an excellent show. They played my song.. Save a horse, ride a cowboy. I think im addicted to it. The concert was right on the beach.. they had fireworks and stuff too.. I had a couple of beers.. Basically got to drink dance and sing on the beach for the better part of the night. =)

Saturday my grandparents came up from New Mexico.. They leave monday morning. So we ran around and cleaned for a while.. Then i took off w/jess to get some stuff done. Got a role of film developed.. The pictures are awesome. There is one of em and I on the beach and i think it's probably the best one of the two of us. Definitely a framer.

That night I went out with Jessica, and David. We went to Baker Street bar and then to Ed's house and then Sarah's. I had a blast.. Got mildly retarded. Had a bunch of drinks.. Talked on the phone w/Lucas for a while.. It was funny.. everytime i turned around someone was grabbing the phone from me. Kyle talked to him a bunch of times.. at one point he goes "Just fuck her already. I can't.. I've got a financee. But if you get her pregnant you had better marry her." i was nearly in tears i was laughing so hard. At another point him and sarah came outside and sarah was talking to him.. I was leaning against the fence post and kyle comes up in front of me and starts grinding and he stops and goes "wait wait, my fiancee is standing right there talking to your boyfriend. I cant be doing this." It was hysterical. It was just overall fun. I went to bed that night at 5am.. Woke up at 8 and i was still drunk.

Spent sunday w/my grandparents, then monday was memorial day.. Went in the pool a bunch of times.. just hung around the house.

Today i saw Carissa!!!!! Met her at the mall in VA beach.. It was great to see her.. You dont realize how much you miss people until you see them. I bought 3 pairs of earings, 1 shirt and a pair of flip flops today. =) The earings are freakin awesome. So cute.

Spent an hour on the phone w/Emily tonight.. It was great to talk to her. I misses her. =/

Well I'm gonna bounce.. I need to get to sleep. Tomorrow i need to take Thor to the vet, then met up w/carissa either at her beach or at my pool.. we havent decided yet, so we'll see. My dad leaves tomorrow for NC. My mom and i are gonna go down and spend the weekend with him on the beach- excited about that.

Alright- I'm out
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