
May 05, 2005 19:34

[My name is]: Devon
[in the morning i]: brush my teeth
[love is]: confusing
[i dream about]: 3 eyed cats, 3 legged dogs, and mike?

-W I T H .T H E. O P P O S I T E. S E X-
[what do you notice first?]: height and eyes
[how much older/younger than you?]: not younger, and i'd say 5 years older
[last person you slow danced with]: got me
[eyes]: brown or green
[Do they play an instrument]: guitar

-W H O-
[do you have a crush on?]: Mike!!! Lord help me.. i need to find guys that dont have serious girlfriends
[is the easiest friend to talk to?]: for real- emily; online- kingsley
[is the friend you have known the longest?]: Jessica.. even though she's my cousin

-H A V E .Y O U .E V E R-
[fallen for your best friend]: Derek.. yes
[gotten a speeding ticket]: no.. *knocks on wood*
[played outside during a downpour]: yes

-W H O .W A S .T H E .L A S T. P E R S O N-
[you talked to on the phone]: emily
[hugged]: aubrey
[you instant messaged]: david
[you laughed with]: emily, carissa and liz..

-D O .Y O U / / A R E .Y O U-
[could you live without the computer]: not a chance
[what's your favorite food?]: just about any kind of pasta
[what’s your favorite fruit?]: watermelon.. i could seriously eat it all day
[what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain?]: emotional
[trust others way too easily?]: No.. takes a lot for me to trust someone.. i've been burned too many times

-N U M B E R-
[of times i have had my heart broken? ]: 1
[of hearts i have broken?] : 1
[of drugs taken illegally?] : 1
[of tight friends?] : 5.. i think
[of cd's that i own?] : over 100
[of things in my past that i regret?] : I can honestly say i have no regrets
[of scars on my body?/where?] : Let's do it..

1) On my knee, i burned myself on a light bulb

2) On my foot, by my pinkie toe.. i cut it on the fridge door and had to get stiches

3) On my knee, i ran by a rose bush and cut the hell out of it

4) Both of my knees.. can i just tell you how many times i skinned them when i was little?

5) On my right hand, i have a number 7 scarred into it from em's cat.. which is funny bc it happened right when the red sox beat the fuckin yankees in game 7 last year!!!

6) My left ankle.. cut the hell out of it shaving one time

7) My upper right arm.. altho its hardly there anymore, but i burned myself really bad on a cookie tray once

[i know]: my phone number
[i want]: to get married
[i have]: everything i could possibly need in my life
[i wish]: that i didnt have to do all of my work this weekend
[i hate]: liars, users, abusers and sluts
[i miss]: being little
[i fear]: snakes and spiders
[i hear]: the TV and the computer
[I search]: for purpose
[i love]: my life
[i ache]: actually.. my knee has been KILLING me lately
[i care]: about too many things
[i always]: laugh
[i dance]: when ever i can
[i cry]: very, very rarely
[i do not always]: tell the truth
[i write]: a lot
[i can usually be found]: in my dorm
[i need]: nothing.. i want a lot
[favorite place to be kissed?]: hmm.. neck

[impacted you the most spiritually]: no one- religion means nothing to me right now
[wish you saw more often]: heather
[most sarcastic]: Katie!!!!!!!!!
[wish you knew better]: Carissa
[knows you best]: Emily
[best outlook on life]: Heather
[most paranoid]: no one

[biggest mistake you've made this far]: Emily.. she said it jokingly, but i think she just proved the point... something about flarring nostrils and looking like a dinosaur?
[describe your personality in one word]: klepto
[a smell that makes you smile]: freshly mowed grass
[a country you'd like to visit]: australia
[a drink you order most often]: Long island ice teas
[a delicious desert]: cheesecake!!!!
[a book you highly recommend]: The Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons
[the music you prefer while alone]: Linkin Park
[a film you could watch over and over]: Halloween
[a TV show you watch regularly]: None
[your cologne or perfume]: Still by JLO
[under your bed or in your closet you hide]: ha..
[something important on your night table]: I don’t have a night table

First job: babysitting
First screen name: MsOutburst (I was sitting in the den trying to figure out what to use for a sn, and I saw the outburst game sitting in the closet so I used that as my screenname.
First self-purchased album: Joan Osbourne- What if God was One of us..
First funeral: my uncle pat
First pet: Spunky- my cat..
First piercing: in my ears
First true love: haven’t had it yet
First big trip: well, I drove from Louisiana to Yellowstone when I was little w/my mom and her friends, or I drove from CT to LA last winter…
Last big car ride: Virginia.. alone.. I love it
Last good cry: about 2 months ago w/Katie and Emily
Last movie seen: the grudge
Last beverage drank: pepsi at dinner
Last food consumed: café food..
Last TV show watched: Mya and Miguel.. some kid’s show that’s cute (I was babysitting..)
Last shoes worn: sneakers
Last CD played: Goo Goo Dolls
Last item bought: some dress im not sure im gonna keep
Last disappointment: I’m not all too sure.. I don’t think I’ve had any recently
Last soda drank: pepsi
Last ice cream eaten: Holy hell it was good!!!!! I went to Maggie moos w/some girls, and I got better batter and dark chocolate mixed together, with cookie dough in it, in a waffle cone.. I was seriously in seventh heaven.
Last shirt worn: new jersey shirt
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