My Life Score

Feb 07, 2006 18:57

This Is My Life, RatedLife:







8.3Take the Rate My Life Quiz

Your IQ Is 115

Your Logical Intelligence is Below Average

Your Verbal Intelligence is Exceptional

Your Mathematical Intelligence is Above Average

Your General Knowledge is Genius
A Quick and Dirty IQ Test

Well, that was fun, check it out if you get some time. Apparantly my life rating means that I'm headed in the right direction and blah blah blah, but then it tells me to focus more on my love life. I AM involved w/ somebody, i'm just not official yet, so they give me a score less than two for that?! Way to kick a guy when he's down after a failed 5 year relationship!!! seems kinda stupid, but whatever. Today I have been very productive. I went to school... late... but at least i went. Angel was mad cuz i wasn't there early to talk to her, but i was tired and REALLY didn't want to get up at all. I stayed after class, and took her to lunch. Then she had stuff to do, so i decided to go home and take a look at my financial situation, since I've been spending money like there's no tommorrow lately. It wasn't bad or anything, I'm still paying extra on my car payment. But for whatever reason, my car insurance company sent me a rather large bill. They sent me a bill for $463 and i was like, ha! yeah right. I called them, and apparantly they had an oversight from last month and didn't charge me anything, so they decided to bill me for it. I have till feb. 17, but it's just so infuriating. Overall, my insurance actually went down, so after this month i'm only paying $195/month. yeah, it's high, but u try being 22 w/ 2 major accidents (at fault by the way) and owning a new car and see what ur monthly premium is!!! Lucky for me, one of them comes off this month, and the second comes off in october this year. So I'll be slowly drifting down to $150/month this year until october, then i get a huge drop.

Other than that rediculous bill, i'm doing fine. I have some credit cards to pay off, but the balances are going down slowly but surely. I've made it a habit of puting away 300/month to paying off all of my long term debts. So as soon as the credit cards are payed off, i'm gonna start putting it all on my car payment. So if everything goes according to plan, i'll have my car payed off in 2 years instead of 5... so that would be quite nice. I should probably refinance it, but i'm just too lazy to go through all of that. I think it'll be easier just to keep paying extra each month.

Well, I practiced hockey a little bit today... half hour. It was just so damn cold. I really want to join a league... but i just don't have time w/ all of my hobbies lately. Hopefully i can find some guys at school that play deck hockey or something. All of my current friends are too lazy for that. hell, i'd settle for some street hockey. I just want to play!

Well, off to do my daily workout, and study a bit. WOOOOO STEELERS!!! leave some love!
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