(no subject)

Apr 09, 2007 16:13

i love skipping pseo classes and sleeping in. i love being in my pajamas until 4 pm just to make up for having to wake up at 4 am yesterday. i love that yesterday was actually warmer than it was supposed to be. i love that it was sunny and bright out. i love that it's still sunny and bright out.

i want to go for a walk. i probably will. i want to play tennis. i just might. i want to forget about pseech for a little bit longer. i can't. i need to practice again. i really don't want to. i don't think i will until tomorrow. i want to enjoy my full day off.

i miss volleyball. again. still. i really hope i go somewhere i can play next year.

i applied to herberger's on saturday. i should hear from them later this week. i need that second job.

i have to go to dance late tomorrow because i have to work.

i wish i was in spain right now. sounds like it's amazingly fun. stupid money for college and speech sections...

i found out that elin did win the other subsection...and the other mpa info speaker got 2nd. i'm feeling very confident about sections. i should be more cautious. i'll feel really stupid if i don't win. i sound like a stuck up bitch right now....but if you were in informative you'd understand.....it's weird how public address is so much less competitive than interp.

my digital camera is nice for videos. i really like it. i love my camera.

i need more music for my ipod. i'm getting really sick of hearing the same songs, and i have way too much josh groban. and my beatles songs are messed up. i'm too lazy to fix it.

i've been working on grad party picture boards :)

i only have one more month of pseo. and i only have 2 more months of high school!

i have not partied enough this year. that's sad. i miss fall '06.....that was some fun times...

i decided golf is entertaining to watch when everyone's struggling. like in the masters...everyone looked like they sucked. it was amusing.

hockey's fun.

baseball's fun. i want to go to a lot of baseball games this year. sta, u of m, and (especially) twins. i love baseball.

smu should have a football team. it's kind of ridiculous that they don't.

i like our new washer and dryer. laundry's so much easier now....even i can handle it lol.

we played pictionary yesterday. i forgot how fun that game is. my sister was with my 29 year old cousin (they won), my aunt and uncle were together, and i was with my 9 year old cousin. we lost, but we were a good team. there were a ton of pictures that we would get and it was the craziest thing. he drew 3 lines and i got "dead end". i drew a basketball hoop and he got "michael jordan".....it was crazy.

my other cousin got his ears pierced. it looks bad. my mom said he has bigger diamonds thasn she does lol. my grandma disapproved in general.

i think mr terry threw out that first quiz. i hope so. i'm already sitting at a c, i don't need a 5% on a quiz in there. he hasn't added the last test. i want to see how i did. i felt pretty good about it. and hopefully the curve will bring me up to at least b range. my mom is pretty upset with my grades this year.

i have to choose a college by may 1st. hopefully my parents will just let me choose st. mary's and hope they give me the Polish scholarship. i just want to know where i'm going! st mary's has an open house on the 28th....i hope my dad'll agree to take me. it's in winona....the day after my sister's birthday and the day before we go to mankato to celebrate spring birthdays... but i'd get to see the campus and talk to the volleyball coach in person...

i'm hungry....i'm gonna go see what we have to eat...
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