Nov 24, 2004 22:30
Jared. "You can generally estimate the intellegence level of a group of people by how much noise they produce."
Mr Mathews. "Radical Christian Terrorists."
Phil. "When Jared winks, it looks like somebody poured boric acid on his face."
Sherri. "Can I dress up as genitals?"
Phil. "No- you can dress up as legs and keep them closed."
Jenny. "Does anybody have a spare sock to put in Sherri's mouth?"
Sherri. "My mom said I never cried."
Phil. "Thats because she put you out on the driveway where she couldn't hear you."
Phil. "Dude, I think the Sherri Syndrome has gone from Sherri to Annie."
Phil. "I'll sneak off to the Castro- and then Mandell will find out when she sees me in bed with ... which reminds me, I need to get some vaseline."
Phil. "Oh, honey, I'm way over the rainbow."
Phil. "Annie Staehlin is the most romanic man in the world. My dream man."
Katy. "You just cant be funny on command."
Phil. "Unless you're Sherri."
Annie. "Every time I hear a boy with an English accent, I just want to jump on him and fuck him."
Annie. "Phil is my fuck buddy!"
Annie. "...I'm eating fries with a spoon."
Mohammad. "Jon deferred my balls."
Mohammad. "I feel fuzzy-wuzzy and all cutesy inside."
Culpepper. "If you're exciled, its expected that you go to Paris."
Culpepper. "Popcorn is the worst academic invention ever. Aside from scantrons."
Maris. "Blondes are more smarter."
Em. "I just want to throw darts at Mr Mathews and watch him deflate."
Katy. "You know what- there can be something very sexy about a nerd."
Maris. "I need to absorb some of your wain braves."
Jared. "When I'm sick, everything tastes like peanut butter."
Annie. "What is the difference betwen a carniverous forest and a desiduous forest?"
Scott. "Joy, they're discussing horses and stuff. Entertain me!"
Joy. "Did I throw away my fork?"
Kendra. "There are no cabaret singers in my skirt."
Mr Mathews. "Say the IB papers are going to Jakarta... and there's a riot, and the Fed Ex truck gets overturned... and burned..."
Jared. "IB should send an armed escort."
Mathews. "...The terrorists are at it again!"
Jared. "What can I do today to be off task?"
Kelly Bott. "Math is emotionless."
Alyssa. "C'mon- 70 year olds are hot! What are you talking about?"
Kelly Bott. "Its like xyxy and everybody's happy."
Zin. "Are you perpendicular? Are you parallel?"
Jared. "Write, Emily, write!"