I'm sure if they weren't watching my journal before, they are now.

Dec 01, 2004 01:07

"I pledge allediance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

so I'm sitting here, working on my history homework. writting about how white abolitionists could be racist because racism was so integrated into society and signs of slavery were repeated everywhere!!!
and then I made the conection that in 1984 they repeat the party ideals over and over and over and over.... so you don't forget. so it's inside your brain in a horrible way.
and then, I realized there is a parallel between the constant repetition of the party ideals (if you don't know what I'm talking about get off your lazy ass and read the book) in 1984 and the patern of repetition of the pledge of allegiance today. like in classrooms every morning all accross the good old U S of A. I'm betting most of the youngest generation of todays english-speaking people can tell you the pledge without a blink of an eye.
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