Title: EJ's Lullaby
bitternarrationFandom: Twilight
Characters/Pairings: Jacob Black/EJ Cullen
Word Count: 539
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters. I'm just playing with them.
Notes: As with all my Twilight pieces, this piece will be AU. Bella gave birth to a son that is not venomous and Jacob still imprinted on the baby. Easy right?
Simon Nessman is my idea of EJ and Steven Strait is Jacob.
Warnings: None really. Slash, change in fandom.
Summary: Jacob snores and EJ loves that about him.
Jacob snores when he sleeps. Or rather he does this growling-mumbling-whimpering-snoring thing when he sleeps. And it's loud. Rosalie likes to complained that having a semi idling in he living room would rattle the windows less than having the dog stay over. Carlisle likes to joke that it might be symptomatic of a serious medical condition, which is almost always followed by Edward offering to cut him open so they can do an inspection. Bella insists that it was a miracle that she didn't go deaf from all those time Jacob fell asleep around her prior to her turning. EJ thinks of Jacob's snoring as his own private lullaby.
Jacob Black is cute, adorable really. It was a conclusion that EJ had come to a long time prior but a glance over his dog-eared copy of Of Mice and Men reminds EJ and he can't help but grin. Jacob, big enough to take up most of the king-size bed he is currently passed out on, is curled around one of EJ's body pillow, hugging it to his bare chest as a kid would his teddy bear or a shape-shifting spirit-warrior would his half-vampire boyfriend. As EJ has believed for years, his Jacob is adorable. He might have everyone else believing that he was a dangerous, vampire killing monster but EJ knew the man was really just a big softy.
For years Jacob had been his best-friend. He had cut the crusts off of his sandwiches, blown on his soup until it cooled and then when no one was looking, let EJ sneak a quick nip from his arm. He had dressed up like Batman when EJ wanted to be Robin for Halloween one year. Jacob had taught EJ how to ride a bicycle and then, a few years later, how to ride a bike. Bella had flipped that time and snapped the motorcycle in half, forbidding Jacob from coming to see EJ for a month. It took a whole two days before Leah showed up to give EJ a wolf-ride back to La Push and Jacob where they stayed until Edward and Bella lifted the punishment. And then there were the times when Jacob had been his protector. EJ's first meeting with the Volturi, the time that grizzly had been just a bit too strong, EJ's second meeting with the Volturi. After thirteen years of history it was only natural for EJ to be exactly where he was now, watching his Jacob sleep on his bed and knowing that he would never love someone like he did the werewolf.
Dropping the book on his desk, EJ rose from his desk and crossed the room. Jacob's chest rose and fell as he let out another growl-mumble-whimper-snore, nuzzling his face against the pillow. EJ pulled the pillow from Jacob's arms before replacing himself in the man's embrace. He radiated heat and EJ cuddled into that heat. A quick kiss to Jacob's neck let the man know he was there.
"Do your homework," Jacob muttered without opening his eyes although his arms tightened and pulled EJ closer.
"Sure. Sure," EJ replies, pecking at Jacob's neck again right as the man started snoring again. With his lullaby guiding him and Jacob's arms holding him, EJ quickly joined his boyfriend in dreamland.