… and the coincidences just keep on happening.
Don’t you just love finding pictures of yourself on the internet? I admit I was actually looking through some things just out of curiosity. It didn’t kill me. It made me stronger.
Actually more paranoid.
They were alright pictures. My behavior in them could constitute as less than alright.
I believe this is my last public post. I just may make this an altogether friends only journal. Ask to be added and I'll probably add you.
I’ve been spending the night with my eyes glued to the screen before me. Also this nifty little Placebo make-your-own-song thing has captured my interest quite well.
I've been on a total Placebo high, and I've been enjoying it as well. I got to see them a few days ago and they are AWESOME! Unfortunately I think my digital camera went to shit. Either that or my computer did. Something is not letting me view them on my computer so… that’s a bit annoying. But it’s alright I suppose. I got to see them and that’s all that matters. I had been looking forward to that for quite some time.
As my last public post I feel like I should put something flowery in here. Fill it with some pretty words... but nothing comes to mind. I'm sleepy. Sleep sounds pretty enough to me.
There were comments on the pictures I found. I hadn't even seen them before. I remember that night though. I remember wishing my friend would put the damn camera away. What's wrong with this picture? What's wrong with this picture?
This Picture - Placebo
Be your own DJ