Jul 07, 2010 16:25
[So, if your name is Akimoto Yuu, perhaps you spent Tanabata helping someone get their leg broken. This was a poor idea. How, you cry? Saburo will be happy to illuminate you.
First, and foremost, by knowing where you sleep, and being familiar with both the home and the difficulties of thievery, as well as possessing an unfortunate knowledge in tranquilizers and the money to purchase it through aforementioned sticky-fingered tendencies.
Secondly, by the moral willingness to combine one's medication with aforementioned tranquilizer, causing an unfortunate collapse.
And thirdly, by having no busying tasks in the day, allowing him to spend it stalking you at a distance until the combination causes a most unlucky lapse in consciousness.
tl;dr Saburo has spiked Yuu. date rape time.]