Apr 24, 2002 17:31
Today has been nice so far. I had a good driving lesson, more roundabouts. Talked to scott. And I started doing practising my theory on the computer and i passed 2/3 times! woohoo! hopefully with a bit more practice I'll take that real soon.
My rat died last night. :( She was really ill with cancer, so we were gonna take her to the vet but she went peacefully in her sleep last night/early hours of this morning, mum came in to tell me. Dad has burried her in the garden now, with all the others. I don't think I'll have any other pets now, it's upsetting when they die and I'm getting older now and don't have as much time to take proper care of them so it's not fair.
Not sure what I'm doing tonight. Hopefully something. Today has been so hot, liek yesterday too. I lay propped on some cushions on the bench in the garden for 2 hours and now I'm really brown, hehe. Admittedly I was kinda pink cos I lay there with no sun protection (bad me) but now it's brown. :) It's just lurrvley and sunny.
I'm gonna go now and see what's for dinner, I'm starving.