20 THE LITTLE MERMAID for 20inspirations + 10 alternates
1-20. the little mermaid by hans christian andersen
i started out trying to make a cohesively dark and creepy set but somehow ended up with half that and half over-textured painty messes with weird coloring lol. oh well. the dream cast is as follows:
Saoirse Ronan as The Little Mermaid Kate Winslet as The Sea Witch Aneurin Barnard as The Prince*
*chosen mainly because of caps of him near the sea in Moonfleet--which I ended up not really using anyway lol
[edit: inspirations and explanations below in case anyone's still interested] I was tired/sleepy when I originally posted this so I wasn't able to talk about my inspirations. then yesterday my computer decided to restart in the middle of editing it so i'm hoping this third time's the charm. *deep breath* okay, here we go:
1 art by eugenia loli, graphic by mashamorevna - i wanted to make something collage-y and intricate so I blended the sea and some smoky textures into Saoirse's dress then added red flowers (because TLM only had red flowers in her garden) and the vine tattoo for additional details. will probably work better in a bigger canvas but i'm happy with what i was able to pull off given the tiny space
2 graphic set by cervvo - this was actually my initial inspiration for everything because i love the dark creepiness of it and it suits the mood of the original story which is totally depressing. anyway, if you look at the alt below, I started with a light version before inverting everything.
3 general theme - one of, if not my first idea...i knew i wanted to photoshop/animate moving clouds into TLM's eyes to signify her longing for the world above. again, would probably work better in a bigger canvas so you can see the clouds more lol
4 general theme/graphic set by cervvo - another attempt at being dark and creepy, this time with an obscure crop
5 general theme - aaah, one of my failures in this set. i wanted to animate this like she was disappearing (an effect similar to this which i sort of pulled off better) but nothing was working so i just gave up and posted the static version
6 graphic by renlybaratheon, texture by lookslikerain - started out by trying to blend the shipwreck into Saoirse's face but none of the compositions were working. finally slapped that texture into the psd i was so happy because it was exactly what it needed
7 general theme/graphic set by cervvo - me trying to be dark again. i've always been afraid of absolute blacks and i started out this set hoping to conquer that (not!) but at least i tried even if i only have a handful of icons to show for it
8 texture by madeofstone - i'm looking at the psd right now and i have a bajillion textures in this thing i'm kinda surprised it ended up sort of coherent lol.
9 art by megan lara - i confess i picked kate winslet to be the sea witch because she has amazing cleavage and the introduction to TSW had sea snakes and toads in her bosom or something like that so I wanted to make a portrait of her cradling all these snakes and toads and i tried and tried but i only managed to sneak in that one toad into the picture and then settled for weird coloring instead *hangs head in shame*
10 art by phil noto, graphic by mashamorevna - i've been trying to get that textured look by phil noto into an icon for aaaaages and this is the closest i could get it while also trying to blend stuff into her hair a la the mashamorevna graphic (who if you haven't noticed yet, is kinda my idol at the moment)
11 graphic by mashamorevna - this started out as me trying to make TSW look like a statue with a snake but somehow ended up with inverted flowers instead haha
12 art by sandra chevrier - because TLM becomes mute, i wanted to make a collage obscuring the bottom half of her face (see alt below) but i liked the way the painty texture made her look broken so I decided to blacken everything leaving just the upper part of her head
13 Dracula Untold poster - this poster ended up on ONTD while i was making icons so i though, i should do that with TLM's tail except with fish. well, not possible on a 100x100 canvas unfortunately. at least it kinda looks like she's still deteriorating--but into blobs instead of fish.
14 general theme - i think i was running out of ideas so i was just slapping on textures on top of her face but i kinda liked it so here it is
15 general theme - although i love Disney's version of TLM i also kinda hate it for all the cutesyness. EVERY STEP SHE TOOK HURT, YO! (see quote in cut text) so this is me trying to convey that hurt albeit not very well
16 general theme - another icon where i had no idea what i was doing so i just kept slapping textures on it until it was passable
17 word: careless - i wanted to make an icon that conveys the Prince's carelessness with TLM (he makes her dance and climbs mountains even though her feet hurt and everyone else notices but him! also, he marries someone else, the little shit--um, anyway...) once again, nothing was really working composition wise so I settled for weird coloring /lazy
18 word: sharp - i was trying to incorporate a dagger into the icon but couldn't make it work then i had the epiphany to cut it up into triangles and block it instead
19 word: invert - this was also inspired by a graphic by jonquille that is sadly no longer on the internet and i don't have it saved either but i remember it so well. *sad face*
20 graphic set by nickigrants - apparently the user got hacked so all I have is a piece of the set that I saved to my inspiration folder. anyway. the vibrant alt (below) seemed incomplete so I was trying to find a way to fix it when i stumbled on that graphic on my folder so i started to add more grunge textures and that's how i ended up with it.
overall, i'm a bit disappointed that this set ended more pastel, storybook like as opposed to the dark set i wanted to make at the beginning but i won't complain because i learned a lot when it comes to blending/manipulating stuff together. but honestly, i never want to touch a mermaid's tail photo in the next few months at least haha