Mar 25, 2004 12:27
*laughs* Look at this. Going on week three, and I'm keeping it steady, updating once a week. Whoo! It's only a matter of time before I end up like Joe or Denise, updating a couple times a day or a couple of times a week. But forgive me while I work slowly into this. I wouldn't want to overexert myself. *grins*
Things are going well here in Missouri. *gags* I took a few extra days off work to do things that I've been trying to do for the longest time. Very few of those things got done though, because you know what I've been doing instead? *points to her computer* God, I'm such a loser. *laughs* I've been trying to do spring cleaning, and I've officially gotten through a room and a half. *she looks around the room she's sitting in* However, I think I need to buy a very large storage box before I can go further in here. I actually foudn things that I didn't remember having. I found about a million and one 'N Sync posters... all five bobble heads... all five marionettes... and three of the five bears. Not to mention enough home videos to open up my own pop video store. So, that's what I'm doing this afternoon... finishing this room and starting on my bathroom. *laughs*
I sent in my application to attend the local college, as well as got the fees sent in and my transcripts on their way. I know I'll get in... it's just a matter of how long I can go there before I have all the hours that I can get at a community college. From what I understand though, I can get alot of my math, basic biology, chemistry, and anatomy courses there. I'm hoping to start in the summer, just so I don't have to take that much time off, so we'll see what happens.
As usual, I went and got weighed last night. I weighed in at 205.4, having lost 3.2 pounds this week. Which gives me a grand total of 4.6 pounds over all. YAY!
Random thought: How unfair was it that Matt Rogers got kicked off last night on "American Idol?" GRRRRRRR...
Well, that's 'bout it. I'm out to start my day... at almost 12:45 PM. *dies*
P.S. If anyone knows where I can find a Disney mood theme, please let me know!