"current events" meme

Nov 10, 2009 14:29

Current Book:  Inkspell by Conrnelia Funke

Current Playlist:  Tori Amos’ “Winter Graces” album, Laura Nyro, the soundtrack to Where the Wild Things Are.

Current Guilty Pleasure:  Petrellicest (fan fic about Nathan/Peter Petrelli from the TV show Heroes.)

Current Color:  Pink, always.

Current Drink: Diet Mountain Dew Ultra-violet soda.  Celestial Seasonings Vanilla Hazelnut tea.

Current Food:  Gigantic honeycrisp apples from the Cooperstown Farmer’s Market.

Current Favorite Show:   Mad Men (I just watched the season finale).  Heroes (I’m watching the first season on DVD).

Current Wishlist:  Books on Katherine Howard (Henry VIII’s 5th wife), an ink cartridge for my computer.

Current Needs:  A job, decent health insurance.

Current Triumphs:  I started writing again after several months of writer’s block.

Current Bane of My Existence:  Waiting for my health insurance plan to finally kick in, waiting to get my security deposit on my apartment back.

Current Celebrity Crush:  Christina Hendricks (Joan on Mad Men, Saffron on Firefly).

Current Indulgence:  I’ve been rediscovering slash these last few days.

Current Blessing:  My family, weather in the 50’s and 60’s even through it’s November.

Current Slang:  “Bushwackin’, scrub, alkie piece of shit.”

Current Outfit:   Black yoga pants and a pink hooded sweater.

Current Excitement:  I’m going into Cooperstown to ask about a couple of jobs tomorrow.  Also I'm going to be stopping at the natural foods store.  This constitutes excitement in my life.

Current Mood: Fine and mellow.

daily life

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