Title: Poison Apple
Fandom: Revolutionary Girl Utena
Pairing: Anthy/Utena
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Challenge #130: Remainder (Fairy Tale)
Poison Apple
I'll bet your kisses are as cotton candy as your hair.
My prince.
You might play with swords, but what do you know about being run through, like a holy heart, a sacred pincushion, in atonement for the sins of the world?
What do you know about evil, pain and sorrow?
My pretty, pink-haired prince?
I'll bet your kisses are as cotton candy as your hair.
My kisses are tainted as toads. They taste of belladonna, sour wine and blood. There are killing secrets inside me.
You aspire to be the prince of our fairy tale.
I'm the poison apple.
Author: Bitterfig
Title: Succumb
Fandom: Birds of Prey (televison series)
Pairing: Helena Kyle (Huntress)/Harleen Quinzel (Harley Quinn)
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Challenge #130: Remainder (Therapy)
Helena found herself craving her sessions with Dr. Quinzel the way she craved the nocturnal battles she fought as the Huntress.
Dr. Quinzel's liquid eyes looked through Helena and saw the bird inside, a vengeful creature of the night, half cat and half bat.
The real Helena.
Even Barbara, with her high moral standards, her excruciating discipline and sense of order, had never accepted and understood Helena the way Dr. Quinzel did.
And so Helena surrendered to her. Lying on the doctor's couch she opened up, spread her vast purple black wings and gave herself over to Harleen Quinzel.
Author: Bitterfig
Title: Real Lies
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Season 8 comic book)
Pairing: Faith/Gigi
Word Count: 170
Rating: PG
Author's Note: Written for the
femslash100 challenge "Lies".
Click here to see the canon basis of this pairing.
Real Lies
Faith had been expecting a genteel, stuck-up rich girl but it turned out Gigi Savidge was packing attitude a plenty. Faith liked that about her. In fact Faith liked just about everything about the saucy little heiress.
And Gigi seemed to really like her back.
Really like her. Not just feel sorry for her or want to "reform" her. Like her for who she was, the way she was.
The only problem was it was built on lies.
Her name was Faith, not Hope. She was a stray, not a pureblood. She was an American, not a Brit. And of course, it was a safe bet that Gigi wouldn’t think nearly as much of her new best mate if she knew Faith had been sent to kill her.
The thing was, Faith didn’t really mind the lies.
For the time being, the lies let her be with Gigi, playing at lady of the manor. It was as close to happy as Faith had been in a long time.
And she could live with that, even if it was a lie.
Author: Bitterfig
Title: Promised to Each Other
Fandom: Runaways
Pairing: Karolina/Xavin
Word Count: 144
Rating: PG
Challenge #130: Remainder (Promise)
Promised to Each Other
Long before they ever met, Karolina and Xavin had been promised to each other by their parents.
That wasn’t the reason Karolina left with Xavin, or she reason she stayed with the Skrull.
It was because of who Xavin was. Xavin had loved her unconditionally, sight unseen. Xavin had accepted her wholeheartedly, not so long after her best friend had pushed her away. From the start Xavin had been willing to change for her, to become whatever she wanted.
This devotion almost frightened Karolina, but it also made her care for her betrothed. Despite her warrior’s ferocity, Xavin had a tender heart. Karolina knew how painful that could be.
She didn’t feel the same longing for Xavin that she did for Nico, but there was something between them, something deep and strong that bound them in a way their parents’ treaty ever could have.
Author: Bitterfig
Title: A Vision
Fandom: Strawberry Panic
Pairing: Nagisa/Shizuma
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Challenge #130: Remainder (Start)
A Vision
It began on the day Nagisa came to Astrea Hill.
She wandered into the forest, where the trees seemed to form a cathedral. There, standing in the light where it broke through the branches was a girl, almost a woman, in a black velvet dress, with flowing white hair. She was as tall and regal as the images of Saints Nagisa cherished so dearly.
Whoever she was, schoolgirl or saint, her beauty took Nagisa’s breath away so completely that when the girl touched her, laid a tender kiss on her forehead, she fainted dead away.
That was how it started.
Author: Bitterfig
Title: Another Kind of Fairy Tale
Fandom: Strangers in Paradise
Pairing: Francine/Katchoo
Rating: PG
Word Count: 121
Challenge #130: Remainder (Fairy Tale)
Another Kind of Fairy Tale
Francine had always wanted the fairy tale, the Walt Disney version with singing animals, elaborate ball gowns, a handsome prince who saved the day.
Exactly the sort of thing that made Katchoo smirk and roll her eyes.
But wasn’t what Katchoo wanted just another kind of fairy tale?
Not bright and harmless like Francine’s but dark and grim, full of witches and evil queens.
And Francine was supposed to be the pure-hearted beauty whose tears could heal Katchoo’s beastly past.
Francine didn’t want to disappoint, but she was no fairy princess. The fact that Katchoo persisted in believing she was hurt more than it flattered. It made Francine think that maybe Katchoo didn’t know her at all or even want to.