Author: Bitterfig
Title: Revenge Poetry
Fandom: Crossover- Kick Ass/Kill Bill
Pairing: Hit-Girl/Nikki Bell (the daughter of Vernita Green)
Summary: Hit-Girl finds herself drawn to a young girl seeking revenge for her mother’s murder.
Beta Reader: Fedink
Word Count: 571
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Language, violence, implied sexuality.
Author’s Note: Written for
10,000 Lilies: A Femslash Porn Battle for the prompt “Kick Ass, older!Hit Girl/OFC, partners.”
Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. Any illegal acts taking place within that fiction are NOT condoned by the author. Depictions of any questionable, illegal, or potentially illegal activity in said fiction does not mean that I condone, promote, support, participate in, or approve of said activity. I grasp the distinction between fiction and reality and trust that readers will do the same.
Revenge Poetry
For a couple of years, Mindy did the “normal life” thing. She went to school, she got braces, and she went to the mall. She was only Hit-Girl on weekends and during summer vacation and when she was Hit-Girl she didn’t even kill anyone anymore unless it was them or her. She did everything in her considerable powers to be a normal, well-adjusted teenage girl.
Mindy first encountered Nikki Bell in senior English class. Nikki was a new girl, who’d recently moved to NYC with her widowed father. A round faced, light skinned black girl with soft orange gold hair. In English class she read a poem she’d written. It was about her mother.
“Off to school, only four years old.
Mommy kissing me good-bye.
Not knowing it’s the last time,
Not knowing Mommy’s gonna die.”
The poem detailed how Nikki came home from school to find the living room trashed and her mommy having coffee with a “friend”, a hard-faced blonde woman, how her mother tried to shoot the blonde woman who then stabbed her mother dead.
“Mommy bleeding out,
Cereal crunch crunching on the floor,
Hard-faced woman says
‘look me up if you’re sore.’
Since then, I been hatin’,
Since then I been waitin’
For to even the score.
Waitin’ for the day,
I make that fuckin’ bitch pay.”
Nikki read the poem in a calm, steady voice. When she finished there was complete silence. Not one of the normal, well-adjusted teenagers in senior English knew what to say or do.
That night Hit-Girl paid Nikki Bell a visit, swinging through her window even though it was a school night.
“Who the fuck are you?” Nikki demanded when she saw the purple-wigged scourge of the underworld perched on her window sill.
“I’m Hit-Girl.” Mindy said. “I liked your poem. Did that really happen to your mom?”
“Yeah,” Nikki said.
“And you’re going to go after that woman some day?”
“Fuck yeah.”
“Think you can take her?”
“I’ve been training since I was five years old.”
“Show me what you’ve got.”
Nikki whipped out a butterfly knife and the two of them sparred. She was good all right, though nobody was as good as Hit-Girl who managed to disarm her. Even without her knife, Nikki Bell kept coming and the two of them wrestled, rolling around on the floor.
“Nikki, what’s going on up there?” Her father hollered and the girls fell apart, panting and giggling.
“Not bad,” Hit-Girl said. Nikki lit up a cigarette, offered Hit-Girl a drag. Hit-Girl didn’t smoke but she accepted, inhaled the hot smoke, liked it.
“Not bad at all,” Nikki said.
“How about I give you a hand, when you go after the bitch that killed your mother.”
“Why would you help me? It’s not your fight.”
“My mother died too,” Mindy explained. “I don’t remember her but she died because of the D’Amico crime syndicate. My Dad and I went after them and they killed him too. I tried to take on D’Amico but I was just a little girl. He was bigger than me and he knew kung fu. He would have killed me but my friend blew him to hell with a bazooka.”
Nikki whistled low.
“I guess it’s good to have a friend,” she said.
“Not to mention a bazooka. Let’s be partners, Nikki.”
“Partners in crime?”
“Partners in justice.”
“Seal it with a kiss?”