Author: Bitterfig
Title: An Impossible Thing
Fandom: Strawberry Shortcake
Pairing: Plum Pudding/Apricot
Summary: How a little boy became a woman.
Beta Reader: Fedink
Word Count: 507
Rating: R
Warning: Discussion of sexuality, sexual content, adult themes.
Author’s Note: Written for
10,000 Lilies: A Femslash Porn Battle for the prompt “Strawberry Shortcake: ???/Plum Puddin’, note: not many people remember this but Plum Puddin’ was originally a boy, so I want something with ‘snippets’ from little boy, boy in dress, teen in dress, etc., pairing isn’t necessary, but would prefer with other female character. “
Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. Any illegal acts taking place within that fiction are NOT condoned by the author. Depictions of any questionable, illegal, or potentially illegal activity in said fiction does not mean that I condone, promote, support, participate in, or approve of said activity. I grasp the distinction between fiction and reality and trust that readers will do the same.
An Impossible Thing
Plum Pudding started off as a little boy but he wasn’t happy about it at all. Girls were much nicer. Girls like Angel Cake and Lemon Meringue were soft and pretty. Plum Pudding wanted to be pretty too, to wear dresses and cook and dance instead of being expected to play with sticks and balls. As far as Plum Pudding could see it made no sense for him to be a boy.
When Plum Pudding was old enough to choose for himself he wore dresses and grew his blue violet hair long. At first it puzzled the other children in Strawberry Land but soon enough they accepted it. If Plum Pudding liked girls better than boys why shouldn’t he dress like one and play with the girls instead of the boys? Some of the more sophisticated children were aware that Plum Pudding had a dangly bit instead of a cleft between his legs but for all practical purposes he was a she.
Unfortunately, things couldn’t stay that way forever. As the strawberry friends grew older they became more and more aware of how boys were, how girls were and how they were different. There were crushes and couples formed, holding hands and whispering gave way to kissing and fondling. Where did Plum Pudding fit in? She was tall and gangly now in her frilly dress. Each day she had to shave away violet colored whiskers and worse of all (so far as Plum Pudding was concerned) her dangly bits regularly stood up embarrassingly. Why couldn’t she remain tidy and contained like the other girls, she wondered? Why did she have to have a boy body?
Boy bodies had no appeal to Plum Pudding. Because she wore a dress, sometimes other boys or shady men who took an interest in teenagers assumed that Plum Pudding was available to them but she didn’t like their attentions one bit. They frightened her with their roughness and grabbiness. What Plum Pudding wanted more than anything else was to be a pretty girl with another pretty girl, soft and sweet.
It seemed like an impossible dream. All the girls Plum Pudding knew liked boys, for some reason. Well, there were one or two who liked other girls, but they liked real girls, not half-way in- between creatures like Plum Pudding.
Or so she thought. Then one day, something extraordinary happened. A girl a few years younger than Plum Pudding, a white haired girl who smelled like apricots (in fact her name was Apricot) started talking to Plum Pudding every day. Plum Pudding wasn’t sure why, but Apricot was. “You’re smarter and more interesting than anyone else,” Apricot said. “I don’t care if you’re a boy or a girl, I like you best of all.” Then she kissed him with her orangish pink lips that were softer than velvet and warm like fruit in the sun and Plum Pudding kissed her back and it was sweeter than jelly, it was softer than cream, it was heaven. It was an impossible thing and it was really happening.