I got an anonymous e-mail from someone asking why I'm posting so many fics over such a short period of time. I thought it was a good question, and my answer simply is that I have, literally, nothing else to do. I'm done with school, results aren't out yet, parents are out for a month, therefore I'm spending about 8-10 hours a day writing, and the rest of the time doing stuff I'd prefer not to discuss. So, I've decided to take up a new challenge at
100moods . This is mainly because my claim at
100_situations hasn't been approved yet, and even though House/Mark/Wilson is my OT3, I'm finding it difficult to write for
un_love_you since I'm running out of plausible settings and my editor is out of town. I would also love if someone (in the off chance that you're actually reading this) would want to be my temporary beta. Please? *puppy eyes*
Just so you know, I'm claiming James Wilson
I figured it would actually be better to write about it since that means I can have H/W and I can bring Mark in. I mean, I adore Wilson/Mark but it's really hard to write because they're so damn similar it freaks me out a little.
ETA: Okay, I give up on lj cuts so I'll just straight away give you the damn table: 001.Accomplished 002.Amused 003.
Angry 004.Annoyed 005.Anxious 006.Apathetic 007.Aroused 008.Awake 009.Blank 010.Bored 011.Bouncy 012.Broken 013.Calm 014.Cheerful 015.Chipper 016.Cold 017.
Confused 018.Content 019.Cranky 020.Crazy 021.Creative 022.Crushed 023.Curious 024.Cynical 025.Depressed 026.Determined 027.Devious 028.Disappointed 029.Ditzy 030.Drained 031.Ecstatic 032.Embarrassed 033.Enamored 034.Energetic 035.Enraged 036.Enthralled 037.Envious 038.Excited 039.Exhausted 040.Flirty 041.Frustrated 042.Giddy 043.Giggly 044.Gloomy 045.Good 046.Grateful 047.Grumpy 048.Guilty 049.Happy 050.Hopeful 051.Impressed 052.Indescribable 053.Indifferent 054.Intimidated 055.Jealous 056.Kinky 057.Lazy 058.Lethargic 059.Listless 060.Lonely 061.Loved 062.Melancholy 063.Mischievous 064.Moody 065.Morose 066.Naughty 067.Nervous 068.Nostalgic 069.Numb 070.Optimistic 071.Peaceful 072.Pensive 073.Pessimistic 074.Playful 075.Pleased 076.Predatory 077.Productive 078.Refreshed 079.Rejected 080.Relaxed 081.Relieved 082.Romantic 083.Restless 084.Sad 085.Satisfied 086.Sinful 087.Scared 088.Shocked 089.Sick 090.Silly 091.Stressed 092.Surprised 093.Sympathetic 094.Thankful 095.Thoughtful 096.Touched 097.Uncomfortable 098.Vulnerable 099.Weird 100.Worried