Title: as i stare at a masterpiece
Characters: Sheldon, Leonard, Penny (Sheldon/Penny)
Words: 1,705
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: The Big Bang Theory and all its characters do not belong to me.
Summary: Leonard sees them sitting in the dark.
I want to give you the grace that led me... )
Umm... I described Penny to be doing something in her laptop because it was supposed to be a distraction. I dunno, I chose the action purely based on how Leonard would see it as her ignoring him even though he is right there... The laptop wasn't a conscious choice, it could've very well been listening to her iPOD or talking on the phone. I just needed something to show the distance between Leonard and Penny.
Again, I penned Sheldon's hyperventilation up to his guilt. I think Sheldon is a very straight-forward guy, for him facts are most important. and the fact that Leonard = Penny's girlfriend doesn't fit in with him+Penny together. And any deviation from the fact upsets him, therefore the hyperventilation.
I should've probably explained it a bit more in detail but I thought that in order for the the main theme in the story to flow, this information isn't specifically needed. Plus, I'm not a descriptive writer, I tend to work more with spare words and subtle signs so that the reader can perceive the events in any way they want. I'll try to work on that more, though.
Thanks very much and sorry for the TL;DR XD
Seriously that's cool and your style writing worked well in this fic. I'm a detail person hence my questions. I don't think you should change your writing style because of my questions, I was just curious, wanted to fill the gaps and subtly hinting for a sequel.
On another note, I just visited your profile (not in a stalker kind of way, I assure you) and read part of your fic: 'All road lead to Yale' and I really liked the beginning!
Mind if I friend you?
Aww thanks for the nice comment about my fic.
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