Ok! We decided on Violet for the cat's name. In the end, it was between Violet and Ramona, and Violet just suits her. And now, another cute picture:
I want to talk briefly about the newest Harry Potter movie, which I got to see on Wednesday. I'm pretty pissed off about it. It was only 2 hours and 18 minutes long (which way WAY too short), and it was rushed and annoying. The casting was pretty good, but the rhythm of the movie was awful and they cut out some very important parts. I actually want someone else to remake it. I know bad adaptions of good books are made alllll the time, but dammit. That book was so extrememly awesome and the movie was such a let down.
On a plus note, the final Harry Potter book is coming out in 8 days and I cannot talk about anything other that it's release and Violet. Seriously. Blake and I will be in West Liberty for HP 7 weekend, and we are going to stay up all damn night on Friday night reading the newest book. I'm so excited. And I won't be getting online or anything at that time because I don't want any of you bastards to tell me what happens. SO EXCITED.