No More Monkey Business: Debate with Randy, Part 3

Nov 27, 2011 12:29

Part I:

Part II:

Similarly to the measles outbreaks in highly vaccinated populations, there is no evidence that smallpox (or any disease) was eradicated by the vaccine. As I already noted, these diseases had almost completely declined by the time vaccination was imposed on a mass scale. And, as Dr. Glen Dettman pointed out: "It is pathetic and ludicrous to say we ever vanquished smallpox with vaccines, when only 10% of the population was ever vaccinated."

Furthermore: “Whereas in the high vaccination period [in Leicester] of 1866-72 there were 107 deaths per thousand living at that age, now there are only 34 per thousand, being a decrease of 73 per thousand, or a saving of 68 per cent. This represents a saving of over 2,200 lives each year of children living under five [that only fell after they repealed the compulsory vaccination law.] --J.T. Biggs, 'Leicester: Sanitation vs. Vaccination'

"The town of Leicester rejected vaccination in favour of sanitation. Her experience during the past fifty years makes nonsense of the claims of the pro-vaccinists. When her population was thoroughly vaccinated she suffered severely from smallpox. As vaccination declined to one per cent of the infants born, smallpox disappeared altogether." --Lilly Loat, The Truth About Vaccination and Immunization [1951]

Plenty of additional authorities over time have pointed to these trends as well ( Most likely, smallpox vaccine was withdrawn not because it was successful, but because it backfired so badly, outcry from a well-informed citizenry became so great, that it became impossible to deny the facts any longer. The same with thimerosal, and the MMR in certain regions.

Archie Kalokerinos MD, PhD, sheds some light on this: "You cannot immunize sick, malnourished children and expect them to get away with it. You'll kill far more children than would have died from natural infection... It needs to be appreciated that children in developing countries are at a much greater risk of complications from vaccination and from mercury toxicity...because poor nutrition, parasitic and bacterial infections and low birth weight."

(These types of conditions were also prevalent in the U.S. a century or so ago)

"They went through Africa, South America and elsewhere and vaccinated sick and starving children...They thought they were wiping out measles, but most of those susceptible to measles died from some other disease that they developed as a result of being vaccinated. The vaccination reduced their immune levels and acted like infection. Many got septicaemia, gastro-enteritis, etc. or made their nutritional status worse and they died from malnutrition. So there were very few susceptible infants left alive to get measles. It's one way to get good statistics. Kill all those that are susceptible which is what they literally did!"

In short, it looks like people who are genuinely committed to a certain conception of reality are willing to bend over backwards to defend their paradigm. I don’t think there’s necessarily anything sinister behind it. Indeed, vaccination wouldn’t be defended so vigorously if people didn’t truly believe in it. But this can lead to scientific bias. Alfred Russel Wallace wrote in Vaccination a Delusion (1898):

"It is said to be the rule for Army surgeons to enter small-pox cases as skin-disease or some other ‘appropriate illness’… The result of this method, which is certainly very general though not universal, is such a falsification of the real facts as to render them worthless for statistical purposes… The result of this prejudiced and unscientific method of registering small-pox mortality is the belief of the majority of the medical writers on the subject that there is an enormous difference between the mortality of the vaccinated and the unvaccinated, and that the difference is due to the fact of vaccination or the absence of it."

"During the last considerable epidemic at the turn of the century, I was a member of the Health Committee of London Borough Council, and I learned how the credit of vaccination is kept up statistically by diagnosing all the revaccinated cases (of smallpox) as pustular eczema, varioloid or what not-except smallpox." --George Bernard Shaw

"In the thirty years ending in 1934, 3,112 people are stated to have died of "chicken-pox," and only 579 of smallpox in England and Wales. Yet all the authorities are agreed that chicken-pox is a nonfatal disease."-M. Beddow Bayly, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., ‘Case Against Vaccination’, 1936.

In this last regard, Medical director Dr. William Osheroff of California's Pacificare Health Systems HMO said of the chickenpox vaccine Varivax, "We've maintained that while the vaccine has shown short-term effectiveness, we know contracting the disease in early childhood is relatively benign and offers life-long immunity… Chickenpox as an adult is a serious disease." (

Furthermore, in the mid-‘80s when the stepped-up vaccine campaigns triggered this autism controversy, infectious disease rates were undoubtedly very low across the board. Why was it necessary to give all these extra vaccines for diseases that people didn’t have, or that were innocuous… which coincidentally involved very lucrative government contracts?

But all this applies to your comments about the JEV vaccine. In response to my assertion that vaccination is a primary cause of encephalitis (see: The Mechanism of Encephalitic Damage from Vaccines, ; Vaccines and Brain Inflammation,, you said:

“Do you enjoy just randomly making stuff up? ‘Encephalitis caused by the herpes simplex virus is the leading cause of more severe cases in all ages, including newborns.’ ( Vaccine-induced encephalitis (which is not a primary cause of encephalitis) is linked primarily via ALLERGIC reactions to vaccines--not immune overload.”

(and is not the immune system response a substantial portion of the allergic reaction? -B)

“Keep in mind that encephalitis is a relatively COMMON complication of many diseases that are vaccinated against. A measles infection has a 1 in 1000 chance of triggering encephalitis, yet a measles vaccination is at MOST 1 in 3 million (but has yet to be definitively proven). ( JE causes encephalitis in 1 of 300 cases, but are at or under 1 in 2.3 million for the vaccine. ( )”

In response to this, consider the insights of medical historian Harris Coulter: “In examining the enormous literature on infectious encephalitis, I realized very quickly that the long-term effects of encephalitis are totally congruent with what we see today in the DSM3 of the American Psychological Association as ‘Disorders usually evident in infancy or childhood’ (developmental disabilities). That includes autism, hyperactivity, dyslexia, attention span difficulties and several dozen other conditions.”

“This is, at first glance, a startling omission… mental health professionals should have immediately appreciated the tie with encephalitis. Furthermore, it had long been known that a variety of encephalitis was caused by vaccination. But this is precisely why physicians shied away from the topic! Since no one wanted to impugn the [vaccination] programs, encephalitis was never discussed openly and fully.

“The Vaccine Compensation Bill of 1986 provided for the establishment of a committee under the The National Academy of Sciences Institute of Medicine to review data on vaccine damage. This committee has published two books - one in 1989 and one in 1993 on the damage of various vaccines and they have stated in the first of these books that the evidence supports the existence of a causal relationship between the DPT vaccine and encephalitis. That has changed the whole terms of the debate because now you can talk of vaccine damage in terms of encephalitis-that is a much more solid scientific basis.

“But no biological phenomenon is either all or nothing. Vaccination cannot be considered to either leave a child perfectly normal or have a very severe impact on a child. There’s got to be a range of effects-how about the children in the middle? How about those who are slightly affected by the vaccine?

“Anybody who knows anything about the biology of medicine knows that this has to be because it would be impossible to stress a large group of people, like two million babies a year in the United States and not have the reactions go along a whole range of effects....Some of the side effects or long term affects make themselves felt not the next week or two weeks later but five or ten years later when the parent realizes that their child is not acting or behaving like other children act and tries to figure out what the reason for that is....”

This indicates that the numbers of people who are damaged by vaccines are much higher than the ‘one-in-a-million’ types of statistics you are spouting. These are based on only considering the extreme, immediate reactions that are easily traced to the vaccine-which are admittedly pretty rare. And of course, by systematically coming up with any other explanation besides vaccine adverse reactions, thus making the statistics essentially worthless.

Note that Japanese encephalitis has many similarities to the condition known as polio; for example, you mentioned it afflicted primarily children and the elderly. But don’t take my word for it. According to ‘Poliomyelitis-like illness due to Japanese encephalitis virus’ (

“Acute flaccid paralysis remains common among Vietnamese children despite a pronounced fall in the incidence of poliomyelitis… JEV causes an acute flaccid paralysis in children that has similar clinical and pathological features to poliomyelitis. In endemic areas, children with acute flaccid paralysis should be investigated for evidence of JEV infection.”

Am I saying that JEV and polio may be virtually the same? It’s not implausible. Ralf R. Scobey, M.D., president of the Poliomyelitis Research Institute, Inc. (Syracuse, NY) lists 170 diseases of polio-like symptoms and effects but with different names such as: epidemic cholera, cholera morbus, spinal meningitis, spinal apoplexy, inhibitory palsy, intermittent fever, famine fever, worm fever, bilious remittent fever, ergotism, etc. (in the Archives of Pediatrics, Sept. 1950)

Dr. Stephen Cooter noted that polio strongly resembled beri-beri, a vitamin B1 deficiency. Dr. Edward and others reversed polio by administering iodine. Dr. Klenner reversed many cases of polio using mega-doses of vitamin C (

By the way, if I may digress, you misrepresented the findings of Pauling & Cameron’s paper 'Supplemental ascorbate in the supportive treatment of cancer'( You said “Pauling didn't CURE cancer. He extended the life of terminal patients... Read for yourself--nowhere in his paper does he claim to cure or reverse cancer.”

First of all, extending the life of patients for whom conventional ‘slash-burn-poison’ treatments COULDN’T DO A DAMN THING is certainly an accomplishment! Secondly, note how long the lifespan was lengthened for 10% of the study group-20 fold!

“The data indicate that deaths occur for about 90% of the ascorbate-treated patients at one third the rate for the controls, so that for this fraction there is a 3-fold increase in survival time, measured from the date when the cancer was pronounced untreatable. For the other 10% of the ascorbate treated patients the survival time is not known with certainty, but it is indicated by the values in Table 1 to be more than 20 times the average for the untreated patients…”

Since the mean survival time for the controls was 50 days, these 'ten-percenters' in the ascorbate group are recorded as living about 2 years 9 months longer. But this is misleading, because it does not mean that they necessarily died, just that the study ended. "Eighteen patients, marked with a plus sign in Table 1, were still alive on 10 August 1976, 16 of them clinically 'well'."

I wonder how much better the results would have been if the vit-c treatment had been started in the early stages of the disease, and before the patient had received a full battery of highly stressful medical interventions. Moreover, the paper refers to “the published evidence that ascorbic acid can sometimes produce quite dramatic remissions in advanced human cancer (4, 5).”

Sounds an awful lot like a cure, eh? Since you can’t deny that the treatment has some value, how do you explain why is it not used on a large scale, as an alternative option or adjunct to conventional therapy? Why hasn't there been more research into use of multiple vitamins and minerals in therapy? After all, nobody has a deficiency of chemotherapy or inoculations. Maybe it should be administered along with vaccines as well, since vaccines only provoke an immune response, they do nothing to build up the body’s resistance:

“If the Vitamin C status of an infant is borderline, the administration of a vaccine, particularly (but not only) pertussis vaccine, can result in endotoxaemia. This results in a severe reaction to the vaccine, a tremendous increase in the need for Vitamin C, and the precipitation of some of the signs and/or symptoms of acute scurvy. The onset of this may be so rapid that the classical signs of scurvy may be absent. Sudden death, sudden unconsciousness, sudden shock or sudden spontaneous bruising and haemorrhage (including brain and retinal haemorrhages) may occur. Haemorrhage and bruising in such cases can be wrongly attributed to the ‘battered baby syndrome.” -- Dr Archie Kalokerinos, M.D.

Which reminds me of something else.

"In studies from the United Kingdom, (48) Texas, (49) and Australia, (50-51) preterm infants in hospital settings were administered DPT (diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus) and/or Hib (Hemophilus influenzae) vaccines and monitored for episodes of apnea (respiratory collapse) and bradycardia. In each study the results were compared with unimmunized infants serving as controls. Each study showed significant increases in apnea and bradycardia following immunizations. In some instances oxygen desaturation required supplemental oxygen. A report from the United Kingdom in 1999 cited four infants with apnea severe enough to warrant full resuscitation measures following DPT and Hib vaccines. (52) Similar studies from Switzerland using the acellular DTaP vaccine, Hib, inactivated polio virus (IPV), and Hepatitis B vaccine showed comparable incidence of apnea and bradycardia. (53)

"It is sobering to reflect that if similar instances of prolonged apnea with oxygen desaturation were to take place unwitnessed in a home, many infants might have progressed into full respiratory arrest. The resultant brain hypoxia would set in motion fulminating brain edema. As described by Geddes and coworkers, the combination of hypoxia with sudden increase in intracranial pressure from the brain edema would be the true source of brain and retinal hemorrhages.(54-55) With this scenario, the person last in attendance of the infant at time of collapse would likely be accused of child abuse, or in case of death of the infant, of murder."

"As yet based largely on observation and a limited but suggestive body of medical literature, in many cases thought to represent Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) it appears that we may be witnessing the adverse effects from interactions of highly potent vaccines given in combination, which potentially include: Hepatitis B (hemorrhagic vasculopathies, autoimmune reactions, neuropathies), Hemophilus influenza (Hib) (hypersensitization), tetanus (hypersensitization), and pertussis (hypersensitization, brain edema, and hypercoagulability with vascular inflammation from endotoxin).

"A study by Terpstra found the Hib vaccine to exceed even the pertussis vaccine in the latter’s sensitizing potencies.(Terpstra OK, Clin Exp Pharmac Physiol, 1979) Usually within a period of 12 days these interactions bring about a combination of brain edema, hypercoagulability of the blood, and inflammation of blood vessels, these in turn resulting in a shearing effect on subdural blood vessels and subdural hematomas, thus mimicking what is now thought to represent the SBS."

Now this is not a one-dimensional matter, parental or caretaker abuse does occur, but there do appear to be instances where people are falsely accused of shaking a baby to death, in the absence of convincing evidence ( and this includes instances where vaccination was likely a main factor. Keep in mind that I don’t think this is intentional, but in many cases reflects a well-meaning but misguided faith in vaccines.

Of course, in a system where the parents themselves are criminalized and demonized, for attempting to seek compensation for their children who were likely harmed by vaccines, it isn't too surprising that justice would stray this far. Even in the Hannah Poling case, one of the few instances where the government acknowledges anything about this at all, she was found to have suffered from vaccine-inflicted encephalopathy with “features of autism spectrum disorder”.

What, precisely, is the difference between this and full-blown DSM-IVR autism, as she has been clinically diagnosed with? Don't forget that Jon Poling, Hannah’s father, is a neurologist who did his residency at Johns Hopkins. He also has a Ph.D. in biophysics. Hannah’s mother is a nurse and an attorney. How many other kids don't have these advantages, and can't even get as much as that?

This mishandling of diagnoses was evident in the case of polio as well. According to Dr. Bernard Greenberg, chairman of the Committee on Evaluation and Standards of the American Public Health Association during the 1950s, during Congressional hearings in 1962:

“Prior to 1954 any physician who reported paralytic poliomyelitis was doing his patient a service by way of subsidizing the cost of hospitalization... two examinations at least 24 hours apart was all that was required... In 1955 the criteria were changed... residual paralysis was determined 10 to 20 days after onset of illness and again 50 to 70 days after onset... This change in definition meant that in 1955 we started reporting a new disease...

“Furthermore, diagnostic procedures have continued to be refined. Coxsackie virus infections and aseptic meningitis have been distinguished from poliomyelitis... Thus, simply by changes in diagnostic criteria, the number of paralytic cases was predetermined to decrease...”

Makes sense! After all, everyone "knew" that polio was eradicated by the vaccine, so those people must've come down with something else! Don’t buy it? Well, dig this NY Times article (

“Experts from the W.H.O., the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta and Oman investigated the outbreak and were perplexed to find that 118 children, including many who were vaccinated, developed polio despite a program that immunized 87 percent of Oman children by age one year.

“A few similar outbreaks have occurred in Taiwan, Gambia and Brazil. But experts said Oman was the most dramatic and best documented. Polio had disappeared from Oman until January 1988, when the latest outbreak was detected... polio struck hardest in the region of Oman that had one of the highest immunization rates.

" ‘What was new in Oman was an outbreak of this magnitude after the vaccine was administered properly and indeed had a fairly high efficacy,’ said Dr. Peter A. Patriarca, an epidemiologist at C.D.C. who investigated the outbreak.

“Dr. Patriarca's team said an exhaustive search found no probable cause for the outbreak. The vaccine was stored properly, no breaks in technique could be identified, and tests showed its potency met W.H.O. standards... The scientists concluded that a substantial proportion of fully vaccinated children were somehow involved in the chain of transmission, Dr. Patriarca said. ‘You could not explain it solely by the virus going from one unvaccinated kid to the next,’ he said.

“Dr. deQuadros, the Pan American Health Organization official, strongly disagreed. ‘If that explanation was correct, the Americas would be full of polio and it would be impossible to eradicate polio," he said. "If they are correct, they deserve the Nobel Prize and we will have to stop the program in the Americas because what we are doing would be nonsense.’ "

That’s the one thing deQuadros said that I actually agree with. Here is yet another example of vaccination being unquestioned in the face of evidence that it does more harm than good. This is why it doesn’t phase me that some of the studies I cited earlier gave lip service to the vaccine program, even though their results suggested something very different.

Here seems a good place to add the testimony of Khura Nkuba: "In Africa polio is really very rare... If you want to help children why begin with diseases that they don't have? ... Uganda spent $9,000,000 of its meager resources marketing this European product... the money spent could have built 120,000 protected water springs giving 30% of the country clean water."

What does this all mean? Well, poliomyelitis is blamed on the polio virus, but the disease was not contagious and showed no signs of being infectious. It would often arise in widely dispersed clusters. Dr. Ralf Scobey and others linked polio cases to pesticide contamination (ironically, DDT was liberally sprayed to "prevent" polio, as it is today to "control" JEV, to destroy the mosquitos presumed to be vectors of the disease). On this basis, polio appears to primarily result from poisoning compounded by nutritional deficiency. Polio virus was weakly associated with the disease; other viruses, such as coxsackie and echoviruses, were also found to be associated.

The basis of that idea was that by injecting tissue matter containing poliovirus into the spines of monkeys, a polio-like illness could be induced. But this is totally different from the proposed mode of human infection. There has never been much evidence of poliovirus invading the body in a natural setting and causing paralysis.

Moreover, viruses are certainly CORRELATED with many diseases, but it's not borne out by the evidence that they are the PRIMARY cause of all those diseases. Dr Ben Sandler, who studied the polio outbreaks, stated, "for every frank case of polio during an epidemic there are about 200 healthy carriers of the virus."

He continued, "Most researchers also believe that there must be some inherent factor of susceptibility present in the bodies of those who fall victims of the disease, a factor which lowers the resistance of the body for a period of time and permits the virus to penetrate the surface membranes and invade the central nervous tissues."

In this regard, you said:

“It's pretty hard to carry a virus without being infected since a virus can't reproduce without infecting. I think what you mean to say is that symptoms don't always develop. Furthermore, humans are not carriers of "dormant" JE virus. We kill it (typically in a matter of days), or it infects the nervous system (also within a matter of days) producing neurological symptoms. It doesn't just sit there for eons without causing damage... This is just another example of you misunderstanding basic concepts (remember thinking MMR was three vaccines?*)”

[*MMR is a single injection, but it's debatable whether it's one or three vaccines, since it is intended to immunize against three separate viral entities. Neither of us can dump on the other for this.]

“that suggests that even if you did read a technical paper, that you lack the knowledge required to understand it correctly.”

Well, that’s funny.

“Latent virus
A nonactive virus which is in a dormant state within a cell. Herpes virus is latent in cells of the nervous system.”

“In latent infections, overt disease is not produced, but the virus is not eradicated.”

Examples of JEV latency:

Dr. Incao clarifies: “It is important to remember that an infection with a particular virus or bacterium does not necessarily cause illness unless the resistance of the individual is low. In the case of Japanese Encephalitis Virus (JEV), most infections cause no symptoms and less than 0.1% of infected individuals develop severe encephalitis. 12 Individuals living in poor conditions, with poor hygiene, nutrition and education are at higher risk of serious illnesses from JEV or any other infection.”

So here we have an example of you grasping frantically to find something to criticize and discredit me on. Perhaps you were hoping that everybody would be so mystified by your words that they wouldn’t bother to think about them critically. Clearly, according to your own analysis, YOU “lack the knowledge required to understand” a technical paper. Now that we’ve established that, let’s continue.

According to Neil Miller, "Dr. Sandler claimed that sugars and starches lower blood sugar levels causing hypoglycemia, and that phosphoric acid in soft drinks strips the nerves of proper nourishment. Such foods dehydrate the cells and leech calcium from the body. A serious calcium deficiency precedes polio [26-29]. Weakened nerve trunks are then more likely to malfunction and the victim loses the use of one or more limbs [26:146].

"In 1949, before the polio season began, he warned the residents of North Carolina, through the newspapers and radio, to decrease their consumption of these products. That summer, North Carolinians reduced their intake of sugar by 90 percent--and polio decreased by the same amount! The North Carolina State Health Department reported 2,498 cases of polio in 1948, and 229 cases in 1949 (data taken from North Carolina State Health Department figures) [26:146;29]."

Dr. Sandler's account is fascinating (, and I generally agree that, in part, "children and adults contracted polio because of low blood sugar brought on by a diet containing sugar and starch".

Although I respectfully disagree with his view that "it is more advantageous to eat animal protein than plant protein." He justifies this view by saying, "High biological value proteins more nearly resemble the proteins of human tissues in chemical make-up than do the proteins of lower biological value." If this were a valid assertion, we would expect there to be NO herbivorous animals at all. ALL proteins are based on plant proteins, after all.

By the way, humans physiologically resemble herbivorous animals ( more closely than carnivores (such as cats) or omnivores (such as dogs).

A proper vegan diet contains an adequate amount of high-quality protein (, and low starch (

What I'm trying to get across is that poliovirus is only a co-factor, along with poor sanitation, malnutrition, excessive toxin exposure, and perhaps some other things. Most of these conditions have been wiped out in the Western world; we are still exposed to toxins, but regulations and processing methods have improved considerably, so the burden is much less.

And DDT, which is particularly dangerous, has been banned in America, but is still used widely in areas where polio is endemic. Studies have been done that show how strongly DDT and paralytic polio outbreaks were linked in the US; modern researcher Jim West has compiled them.

This raises truly fascinating questions about what viruses really are. Dr. Scobey writes:

“It is not generally realized that some so-called virus diseases may result from the effects of poisons on the human body, thus, herpes zoster may follow exposure to carbon monoxide or the administration of arsenic, bismuth, lipiodol, gold, mercury, tuberculin, alcohol, etc. An epidemic of herpes zoster and peripheral neuritis, similar to the "jake" paralysis epidemic in this country, followed the ingestion of arsenic in beer in Manchester, England in 1900.76-78 The toxic agent was determined to be arsenic arising from dextrose made from starch by the use of crude sulfuric acid containing this poisonous substance.

“Herpes simplex, another so-called virus disease, has followed the ingestion of alcohol, benzol, arsenobenzol, mercury, and the inhalation of ether, among other poisons. Van Rooyen[79] noted its appearance after sulfapyridine therapy. Herpes simplex has followed the injection of vaccines, milk and colloidal metals.

“Inclusion bodies have been defined as products of virus activity or the elementary virus bodies themselves. Inclusion bodies have been found in poisoned humans and experimental animals.

“Dalldorf and Williams[80] (1945) found large acidophilic inclusion bodies in the kidneys of rats poisoned by lead. Blackman[81] (1936) found intranuclear inclusion bodies in the tubular epithelium of the kidney and in the liver cells of 21 children dying from the effects of acute lead poisoning and lead encephalitis.

“Cox and Olitsky[82] (1934) found that the injection into animals of aluminum hydroxide produced inclusion bodies similar to those seen in infectious encephalitis.

“Van Rooyen and Rhodes[83], in their textbook (1948), "Virus Diseases in Man," state: "Histological changes similar to those seen in infectious encephalitis may be produced by carbon monoxide poisoning, brain injury, arteriosclerosis, uremia, pregnancy toxemia and toxic agents like alcohol and lead."

“Olitsky and Harford[84] (1937) were able to produce inclusion bodies indistinguishable from those observed in virus infections by the injections of aluminum compounds, ferric hydroxide and carbon.”

Here is another example of this: ‘Induction of avian tumor viruses in normal cells by physical and chemical carcinogens.’ ( This raises the possibility that viruses are endogenous products that can arise within the body, as well as being transmitted through contamination, contagion, insect vectors or vaccines.

You are free to disagree, but is there any other explanation as to where viruses actually originate? It’s entirely plausible to conclude this.

If so, this challenges the fundamental basis of the vaccine paradigm. But there is much to be desired in the overly simplistic idea of ‘antibodies (to one virus or strain of a virus) = immunity’ anyways. According to Barbara Loe Fisher, president of the NVIC:

“Vaccines do not confer the same type of immunity that natural exposure to the disease does... In most cases natural exposure to disease would give you a longer lasting, more robust, qualitatively superior immunity because it gives you both cell mediated immunity and humoral immunity.

“Humoral is the antibody production. The way you measure vaccine-induced immunity is by how high the antibody titers are. But the problem is, the cell mediated immunity is very important as well. Most vaccines evade cell mediated immunity and go straight for the antibodies, which is only one part of immunity. That's been the big problem with the production of vaccines...

"When you put pressure on a virus or bacteria that is circulating with the use of a vaccine that contains a lab altered form of that virus or bacteria, it doesn't seem illogical that the organism is going to find a way to adapt in order to survive."

Why isn’t this really talked about? Well, the predominant thrust of research initiatives and dollars has been towards studies that go along with the general assumptions of vaccination. Where is the funding into alternative research? It comes from independent sources, is far less lucrative, and is mostly ignored by the CDC, FDA, AAP, mainstream media, etc.

Wrapping up, Dr. Scobey continues, “Several commissions, appointed during the first quarter of this century to investigate the cause of pellagra, concluded from their studies that pellagra was an infectious, contagious disease. Harris[85] (1913) was able to inject Berkefeld filtered tissue material from pellagra victims into monkeys to cause a corresponding disease in these animals.

“He concluded from these experiments that a virus was present in the injected material and that it was the cause of pellagra. If the work of Harris had been followed exclusively, various strains of this 'virus' might have been discovered and a vaccine, effective in experimental animals, might have been developed, as in the case of poliomyelitis.

“Today, as a result of unlimited research, however, we know conclusively that pellagra is not caused by a virus but rather that it is a vitamin deficiency disease. It is obvious that if the investigations of pellagra had been restricted to the virus theory, it would still be a mystery.”

This brings us back to the initial topic of this discussion. You are free to disagree with the evidence I have provided, but science is supposed to be about open exchange of evidence and ideas, and I stand behind the credibility of my viewpoint. But one thing that seems quite clear is that animal testing is indeed a highly questionable practice, and that in terms of how it is actually used (not 'ideally'), it does more harm than good. I don’t need to argue this any further; you have already proven it better than I could with your arguments.

So, I have spent more time than I care to think about to give you your long-awaited “point-by-point”. If I receive the same type of hair-trigger, rhetorical answers that I have so carefully refuted above, I will be very disappointed. I have found this conversation stimulating and enlightening. I hope that you have enough integrity and courage to learn something too.

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