I like hockey more than I like you

May 07, 2010 19:59

I love hockey. I keep track of it and I got my favorite team (go penguins!). Thus I have my least favorite team...the bruins. So naturally this playoff is pissing me...seriously how can they have won every game so far? My only hope so far has been the flyers, but it looks like hard work and dedication is not match against bruin luck. Right now the game is tied, but if it ends up like another game 1, I'm going to officially going to hope the flyers no longer remain a team. GO FLYERS!!! You're orange and flying you can do it!

And as i say that, highsticking against the flyers -_-.


Woo that penalty kill was pretty nice,

This noon, I went to starbucks to get my weekly java fix. I got into a bit of an absurd discussion with a man arguing in favor for something called the Venus Project. Essentially, the Venus Project is what people who believe in Zeitgeist point to be the magical solution to all the world's problems. So let me take a step back:

What is Zeitgeist? Zeit is the German word for time and Geist is ghost, spirit and mind, depending on the context, so Zeitgeist means timeghost! Well, kind of, but in this context it is used to mean ...


So in this context basically means the general ambiance of the age. Which it to say, politics, culture, morally whatever you choose to focus for whatever era. Anyway, a while back ago a nonsense movie by the name Zeitgeist came out that takes these concepts (Spiritual, Politics, Monetary.)

So here's a quick break down.

1) Spiritual. The idea is simple. Religion is a tool for the power elite to control the masses. By allowing the the masses have a false hope in an after life it allows them to accept the flaws of society and thus let the power elite remain in charge. It also seems a myriad of part I trying to convince people that Christianity is gnostic


so like I was saying that Christianity is gnostic religion, thus if you are convinced that it is gnostic, then you might convinced that Christianity has been written in such way to allow people in power remain in power.

2)Politics. Basically they argue that the power elite thrive in an environment of chaos. That they create it in order to preoccupy the minds of the masses and thus ensure that they remain in power. For their proof they brig up 9/11 and rehash the loose change arguments on why the Bush administrators hid or covered up evidence in 9/11.

3) The last one has to deal with money. This part basically argues that all wars in this world is funded and supported by the international bankers. Basically, they say that every event that lead to the US enter a war as engineered so that they could enter the war with support. So why would banks want war? Simple, because longer a country is at war, the more they have to borrow from a bank and thus the more success a bank has. But since they are talking about money, they have to go off on how taxing is illegal. And since they are talking about money they also have to talk about the alliance between Canada, US of A, and Mexico - aka the New American Union and the new currency the Amero. They claim that the NAU, EU, AU, AU..ok that was poorly plan, one of those is African Union and the other is Asian Union will combine and form one world government. Then after the NWO is form every human will be implanted with RFID chips.

Ok so that's the movie in a nutshell.

Well if that wasn't good enough they had to come out with an updated version. This one basically keeps part I to III and adds an addendum.

The addendum actually adds more "evidence" to part I-III, but also adds part IV, which basically is there to tell you why everything bad in this world happens. What to know why? It's because people are ignorant of the emergent and symbiotic aspects of natural law. Whatever that means. So what's their solution, oh you know boycott a bank, don't watch the news, don't get your energy for energy company (that's right make your own!).

Ok so ralph what does this have to do with project venus? CHILLL I'M GETTING THERE.

Ok first, I need to mention this. So after the movie came out, it inspired a zeitgeist movement, which essentially a group of people who love the movie and basically can quote it until their face is blue, but never think about what the movie actually says. So instead of building a network from down up, they attach themselves to a movement that essentially argues what they argue in the movie and that movement - Project Venus.

Basically Project Venus can be reduce to a few simple ideas

1)Technology is the reason why people are in poverty
2)Money is bad
3)Crime is a result of people not having what they need
5)Share Technology
6)self-sustaining cities.


There's many flaws to point out here. It'll take a super long time to go through each argument and post why...but I got time to give you the idea.


Part 1:

There's quite a few glaring errors here. Number 1, sun and son are not homophones in Greek. I think this should tell you the quality if their insight. They actually thought that they could say this: "Since son and sun are homophones it's easy to see how a group of people who worshiped the Sun could easily switch to praising the Son of God." I mean that's not exact, but that's the idea. Well, maybe if they spoke English, that would be valid, but at time I checked, they didn't.

Also they list a nice little list of all the ancient Greek writers that don't mention Jesus and that's fine, except when you try to imply that those writer's are historians. They essentially compiled a list of poets.

Lastly, they tried to pass of the idea that ancient Christians celebrated the birth of Jesus on the 25th of December. Which isn't true -_-, but nevertheless, they use that date and use some astrological mumbojumbo to argue that the resurrection of Christ is just an analogy of an astrological process. And that might be reasonable if the 25th of December was important for ancient Christians.

Part II

I'm of the opinion that you don't need to make up stuff to show that Bush probably abused his power a bit to much. However, a lot of their claims here were just wrong. If you don't understand physics, I can see why you would be convinced when they throw out words and equations and quote "experts". However, I'm not an idiot. They state that the twin towers should not fall at free fall. Last time I checked, once released from rest, the own force on the towers were gravity thus a free fall. Plus there's a minor problem with their reference frame, but I won't get into that.

Part III.

Ok so I got a qualm with the movie maker's tactics here. So they'll post some quote and instead of telling you when the quote was said, they give you the birth and death range of the person.

""If you want to remain the slaves of the bankers and pay for the costs of your own slavery, let them continue to create money and control the nation's credit.""

Ok that sounds like a guy who supports their cause...but wait

"Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The Bankers own the Earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create deposits, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take it away from them, and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear, and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in. But if you wish to remain the slaves of Bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create deposits."

But Ralph aren't they both essentially saying the same thing? No. Zeitgeist believes centralize and credit banks are the root of evil, but banks that are not part of the federal system seem alright to them. This guy goes a step further.

A more glaring error would be saying that JP Morgan caused the 1908 panic, which is completely historically inaccurate.

Essentially this whole section goes on to simplify how centralize banks

Well, it's the third period so time to focus on hockey, but I'm sure you get the point...but I haven't even reached my main point. I'll come back and finish that lol.
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