Since it seems like the only legitimate thing to do with my life at this point is to become a crazy cat lady, I have acquired two crazy cats. One of my actually decent students (she’s thirty and therefore places a bit more value on her education than the kids who never particularly liked school in the first pace but just don’t know what else to do
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Sharing is fine -- I am not interesting enough to be on their readers in the first place, but they are welcome to look if they want to.
So, wanna hear something gross? Since I let them out into the living room, I keep coming down in the morning and finding what looks like a sprinkling of sesame seeds on the couch cushion, where I know no sesame seeds were the night before, but where kittens probably were. I think what it is, is that the flea eggs still on the kitties hatch at night in the dark, but then the larvae get killed by the flea treatment and then desiccate and fall off. Disgusting, huh? I scooped some into a film canister and will ask the vet, but I guess that won't be for a couple more weeks. I am glad I haven't let them upstairs yet, though, and I won't till I am sure that there will be no more of these!
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