Prompts have been distributed and are as follows:
applecede-Ashes, ashes, we all fall down
Golden_D-Cops on the corner always ignore; somebody's gettin' paid
Streetscribbles-You're all I think about these days
retyped-I've got one more silver dollar, but I'm not gonna let 'em catch me, no
Fungus_files-On this battlefield, no one wins
andsaca369-If you're in, you're in, and if you're out, you're out, and if you're out, get your ass on out the door.
atheilen-This path that I walk is leading a lie
simjunkie-I don't believe in Superman, Frankenstein, or Peter Pan.
shallkickyou-caught between the spirit and the dust
ETA: Late Entrant
sweetwestwind-The rage of the angels left silent and cold
If anyone has been wrongfully omitted from the contest, let me know. Also, it is not required that the lyric appear in the fic in any way; it is meant as a springboard only. You may, of course, use it if you wish.
Good luck.
La Guera