wise words

Jan 08, 2007 00:06

use your words wisely

there are words for everything "hot" "cold" "hello" "shit"....and not only there are words for everything but they mean different things in different languages and obviously there are different words for them in different languages.  its amazing because when you have an infant or a baby its hard to tell how they are feeling or what "hurts" simply for the lack of language. its amazing how at 20 years old and all ages surrounding that in which a person is fully aware of his or her vocabulary and language that its still hard to explain "what hurts" or whats going on or how to use that language to explain what they are feeling.

words change with culture. words change with the decades. as in, we dont say "groovy" anymore. theres slang. theres incorrect usage of grammar and nouns pronouns that whole bit. words can have several meanings...who knew "hot" or "sick" would be used in the ways they are used now. words can screw the hell out of things. words can let people down. they can be weapons. they can be medicine.

truth is...i hate words. imagine that, i love to read, i love play on words, i love lyrics, i like explanations. but forget words. you dont need words sometimes and i think those times are the most important times of your life. what happens when you kiss someone you really care about the first time..there are no words..there are a loss of words actually. and that we know as a good thing.. and indeed it is...

we tend to put titles on things...actually correction..we want to put titles on things.. what is this what is that what are we... we put titles actually let me correct again, we put labels on certain types of people. our eyes are in fact useless without words. our lives are governed by these titles ..the doctor...my boyfriend...someone...no one... by these labels...loser...pretty....fat....

but what i dont understand is why words are so important when mostly theyre all a bunch of bullshit. theyre lies. most of them are. false, not most of them are but we can use them as lies we can use them as weapons.

in counseling they teach the fact of congruency. if you tell the person that they can confide in you then youre not supposed to sit with your arms crossed and have a mean or tight look on your face. your words are supposed to be congruent with your actions. how is your client going to confide in you if you say they can when they dont even feel comfortable and you dont look or ACT to make them feel comfortable.

i could tell you right now that i am actually famous in another country and i go there on the weekends. i could tell you i weigh 80 pounds.  i could tell you that i will never lie to you. i could tell you i will take care of you. i could tell you we're best friends. i could tell you ill never hurt you. i could tell you i love you.
do you believe them?....words mean nothing. to me they mean nothing. when it comes down to it they mean absolutely nothing. when it comes down to it. of course if youre listening to a powerful true story that could be life saving that means something. if someone tells you someone died that obviously means something. words are powerful but with anything powerful there comes responsibility. i mean just think about everything you say.... some of its bullshit.

you run into someone that you know but honestly you could care less about what theyve been up to but you just fill the space in with oh "hows school" or "how are you". cliches i love cliches. you could use cliches and right after you talk to the person not even remember what they said...that is if you dont care about them. how many times do you say "whats up" to someone and actually expect them to go "well today i woke up and got dressed but it was raining so i had to dig out my umbrella and class was cancelled..." no. words are fillers. "its not you its me" okay well what the fck??
get me?

what im trying to say is that i hate words that mean NOTHING. if youre gonna talk to me, mean it. or dont talk to me cause id rather not waste my time or yours, yeah thats nice of me. if youre asking me "so barbara what are your hours at long island cheeseburger" ask me because youre concerned if im working too hard, not because you want me to look bad and not give two shits. cause if you did care, afterwards ONE: youd ask me more in depth questions. oh and also TWO: once you asked me that dont ask me again because then you werent listening the first time and didnt care the first time OR youre asking again simply to emphasize something (this could be good or bad).

what people say is who they want to be. what people do is who they are.

i dont think i fell more in love with words than with that quote. this is a time when words mean something and truth. [this whole page is filled with words but theyre being used in the meaningful way by the way] you know that old saying "actions speak louder than words" well they do. i think this world should start an "Actions" movement. for example, if you say "i will give food to the poor, become a nun, never lie, take care of my parents in their old age, and also never have sex ever" --- will you go straight to heaven??? not unless you actually do these things. take this example "this was fun, ill call you and we'll do it again"... does he actually call you?? if not, he doesnt mean it was at all fun. "best friends forever and ever"... well are they there for you? do they really know you?? "i promise ill take care of you" ...do they? are they there?

words are everywhere. its what you do with them that determines their validity. i feel its such a controversy ...have you ever thought about it? i wish people just didnt talk to me unless they actually meant what they were saying. as if there was an "insincerity mute button" and that the only things that could reach my ear are the things that are actually meant. ie my best friend saying "im here for you" ---cause she is... or my parents telling me "i love you" ---cause they most certainly do..... dont use your words with me unless you actually care, when youre talking to me or about me or anything around me please do not use the word "have" followed by the word "to". i freakin HATTTTTTTTTTTTEEEEEEEEE "have to" with a passion. you dont HAVE TO do anything. you should WANT TO do things. if youre gonna use the words HAVE TO then i think the words I DONT WANT TO BUT... should always come before it. if you dont imply "HAVVVING to" (exaggerating the length of the word cause whenever its said its how it sounds) then replace it with
"WANT TO".... dont say " i HAAAAAVE to do this I HAAAAAVE to buy someone this i HAAAAAVE to give her this" then sorry youre miserable but dont do it if you dont want to. like dont talk to me if you dont want to. Same with words. dont use them if you dont mean them.

given those cliche conversations if someone says hi to you dont not say something but please, dont compliment someone or say something at length that you do not mean. save your breath.

sincerity genuineness is what this is all about

titles. its weird because when words are used for titles. theyre pretty much bullshit (once again their validity relies on actions)... you could be a member of my "family" but not give a GENUINE rats ass about me and unsuccessfully try to make me appear bad because you have no life. now would that mean "family"?? NOPE. wrong. so for an example, my mom has a lot of close friends and with some of them "my second familyyy" i feel more comfortable, more like family, more at home and feel like they are more GENUINE about me than certain members of my so called "family"...oh wow ! see how words can mean nothing.....actions...what people do....finding out what i like, what i dont like, whats going on with my life in a genuine way would be a time when that mute button WOULDNT be used.

people let us down with words. theyre weapons. anger can spit words out that we dont mean. words that arent thought out first can blow someone away. one little word can mean the world of difference such as "best" "worst" "us" when used meaningfully. there are so many negative words. yet there are positive words too.

truth is, words should follow actions. and if youre one of the smart ones, you can even pull off words then actions... if you say "i like red" well sure you do bob, youve worn red the past two days... "i love you" well i know that considering were married with three kids and youre the love of my life....

they say that the best times of your life are the times that take your breath away. true statement.
you look at your sweet 16 album, your wedding album, pictures of your loved ones that have passed or when you were little. are there words in those pictures? negative. a pictures worth a thousand words. yeah well thats a pretty good explanation to the exchange rate.
when you look back on pictures on memories, will you remember what was said ? no
theres always that saying "ohhh forget what he or she said youre not gonna remember it years from now!" truth.
how could you believe something unless you dont feel it or see it or have evidence-- that is beyond me......

well, ive always been back and forth with the question of :: which i would choose if i had to..being blind or being deaf. i think...[huge step right here..] i would chose deaf. and its hard to chose this i mean--- im a dancer, God-- music is powerful and a big part of my life, and this decision could change. but right now i would chose to be deaf. i wouldnt be able to hear my favorite songs, or my mothers voice. but i would be able to see the love of my lifes face and how five new wrinkles showed up around his eye in the past month, previously i would have been able to see our children being born and look into the eyes of a little miracle laying in my arms, i will be able to see my best friend my other half smile as shes getting married or our children meeting each other, ill be able to see my families expressions when i make them proud, i will be able to see proof...i will be able to see people sticking to their words -- being there for me, i will be able to see in their eyes the meaning of their words even if i cant hear them being said. if i were blind --- you would be able to tell me how beautiful the sunset was... but is it that kind of beautiful where its setting behind the trees or is it the kind of beautiful where it is almost peaking through the clouds???....there is a difference....if i were deaf at least i could use words to explain how meaningful these things are to me.

actually scratch all the hesitations........

i never want to be blind.
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