oh look some random christmas fic

Dec 06, 2013 21:25

God forbid a year go by when I don't throw Christmas fic at you. So here is a silly drabble that's been sitting in my Unfinished folder for a year. xD

uchihasasuke is now online

uchihasasuke: Naruto are you there?

uchihasasuke: Naruto I don’t care if it’s a snow day there is no way you’re still sleeping at this hour

uchihasasuke: Respond or I will hold you personally accountable for my psychological trauma

uchihasasuke: You’ll be getting my therapy bills for years to come

uchihasasuke: NARUTO

Ramenking97 is now online

Ramenking97: jesus sasuke what the hell???!

Ramenking97: couldn’t sleep with all the alerts from my laptop going off, are you dying or something??

uchihasasuke: …Were you seriously still sleeping?

Ramenking97: um, duh? It’s a snow day, jerk, what else was I gonna be doing?

Ramenking97: so are you dying or what?

uchihasasuke: I haven’t actually had an aneurysm yet, no, but it’s still too early to tell

uchihasasuke: The day is young

uchihasasuke: Plenty of time to accrue more lasting nightmares

Ramenking97: you gonna tell me what’s going on or can I go back to sleep?

uchihasasuke: You know my brother?

Ramenking97: and again: duh

Ramenking97: scary pacifist ninja badass who could kill me in my sleep in 1493753 different ways except he’s too nice to actually do it

uchihasasuke: Yeah, and you know my cousin?

Ramenking97: dude, you have WAY too many cousins for me to keep track

uchihasasuke: Fair point. Okay, remember Shisui? Curly hair, grins way too much, turns everything into a stupid joke or an innuendo?

Ramenking97: oh yeah, he seemed like a pretty cool guy

Ramenking97: only uchiha I’ve ever met that didn’t have a stick lodged up his ass

uchihasasuke: I’m going to be the bigger person and ignore that for now

Ramenking97: so why the Uchiha Family 20 Questions?

uchihasasuke: Because my brother and my cousin

Ramenking97: ???

uchihasasuke: I can’t even type it

Ramenking97: dude, whatever trouble shisui’s gotten your brother into it can’t be THAT bad

uchihasasuke: They’re in the hallway as we speak

Ramenking97: see? How much trouble could they possibly get into when they’re still in the house?

uchihasasuke: They’re under the fucking mistletoe

Ramenking97: …

Ramenking97: oh

uchihasasuke: Yeah

Ramenking97: like, just standing under the mistletoe having a normal conversation or

uchihasasuke: More like they’re sticking their tongues down each other’s throats

uchihasasuke: Oh God I’m going to be sick

Ramenking97: well, uh, at least it could be worse, y’know? The walls are pretty thin at your place

Ramenking97: just sayin’

uchihasasuke: Don’t even JOKE about that

uchihasasuke: Do you have any idea the noises I am hearing right now

uchihasasuke: And I can’t get my damn headphones because moving would require letting them know
that I’m here trying not to burn my retinas out

uchihasasuke: Oh FUCK

Ramenking97: what??

uchihasasuke: Shisui’s hand just went

uchihasasuke: Fuckity fuck I have not done anything nearly bad enough to deserve this

Ramenking97: LOL

uchihasasuke: This is not funny, Naruto

uchihasasuke: Oh shit there are moans I can’t be listening to this

uchihasasuke: Fuck

uchihasasuke: My

uchihasasuke: Life

Ramenking97: jeez sasuke, chill out

Ramenking97: no offense but Itachi always seemed too uptight to be healthy yanno? Maybe this’ll be good for him

uchihasasuke: I can kill you and make it look like an accident

uchihasasuke: Oh jesuschrist


Ramenking97: maybe they’re exhibitionists or something, u don’t know

Ramenking97: besides, ur the one who can’t quit watching

Ramenking97: voyeur perv

uchihasasuke: I will kill you

uchihasasuke: Very slowly

uchihasasuke: And with knives

uchihasasuke: Oh fucking hell they’re going into Itachi’s room I can’t tell if this makes things better or worse

Ramenking97: well if it makes u feel any better, at least u know itachi can’t get pregnant right?

uchihasasuke: …

uchihasasuke: Fucking SHIT the answer is worse it’s so much worse

uchihasasuke: I’m in hell. I have died and I have gone to hell.

uchihasasuke: Oh god I can’t be hearing this

uchihasasuke: Fuck it, I’m coming over

Ramenking97: wait, what

Ramenking97: I wanna go back to sleep, your walls can’t be THAT thin, I was mostly kidding

Ramenking97: sasuke??

uchihasasuke is now offline

Ramenking97: oh ffs

flickermaster is now online

flickermaster: sorry about your lazy snow day, kiddo, but some things are more important than sleep ;)

Ramenking97: I think I’m starting to get why sasuke hates u

Ramenking97: heartless bastard

flickermaster: hey, someone has to traumatize my dear cousin every now and again, lest he get complacent

flickermaster: unfortunately you’re the one who gets to deal with him being neurotic for the rest of the day

flickermaster: buuut that’s the price you pay when you’ve basically married into the Uchiha family already

Ramenking97: ha freaking ha

Ramenking97: I knew even ur family couldn’t be that weird

Ramenking97: u got itachi to go along with that though? All to traumatize sasuke?

flickermaster: ahahaha

flickermaster: what can I say, I made it worth his while

Ramenking97: …

Ramenking97: hey shisui, can I ask u something

flickermaster: ask fast, kiddo, I for one don’t plan to waste my snow day

Ramenking97: yeah, about that

Ramenking97: it was just a prank, right? Like, itachi’s just being a really good sport about all this, right?

Ramenking97: shisui??

flickermaster: um

uchihaitachi is now online

uchihaitachi: Hello, Naruto.

flickermaster: fuck

Ramenking97: uh, hi itachi

uchihaitachi: If you would excuse my idiot cousin, I would appreciate it.

uchihaitachi: He has some unfinished business to attend to.

uchihaitachi: But first I may need to murder him.

Ramenking97: uh, sure thing

flickermaster: traitor

Ramenking97: don’t even, I think I hear sasuke pounding on my door as we speak

Ramenking97: shit, u so owe me for this

Ramenking97 is now offline

flickermaster: so…unfinished business first, you kill me later?

uchihaitachi: We’ll see.

flickermaster is now offline

uchihaitachi is now offline

ch: sasuke uchiha, fanfiction, ch: shisui uchiha, ch: itachi uchiha

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