don't be pussies guys, this sounds legit

Jan 30, 2011 17:51

Pst! Do you want some cake?


See, I grew up in the 90's: a younger, more innocent time. A time when adults were able to make unreasonable demands of children in the name of good, wholesome fun. As an adult, I can now fully embrace that spirit, and since there is obviously nothing more fun and wholesome than murderous counsincest, I hereby propose the resurrection of a glorious tradition from those golden times:

( did i make that hideous enough? :D )

If you are like me, you may fondly recall this humiliating beloved classroom game. Similar to Secret Santa, each hapless child participant is assigned a giftee for whom they will prepare a small present, which will be delivered anonymously during the Valentine's Day party. This will be just like that, except instead of cheap Hallmark cards and crudely assembled goodies, we will be giving each other - you guessed it - FANTABULOUS ITA/SHI FANWORKS.

But wait! you say. Valentine's Day is only in two weeks and participating in this silly exchange will surely interfere with my job/studies/bear-wrestling/crocodile-taming. Surely there must be a way! For that, I direct your attention to the paragraph above, particularly the part about "cheap Hallmark cards and crudely assembled goodies". Just as teachers must set a $ limit on secret exchange gifts, I regrettably must impose a restriction on the awesomeness of the gifts we will be preparing. Nothing will be allowed that isn't the equivalent of a Dollar Store item or something a kid can whip up with construction paper and glitter pens while watching Pokemon reruns on a Saturday morning. Doodlers and writers of drabbles, this is your time to shine!

What if I want to make an extra effort and give my secret Valentine something really nice? How incredibly sweet of you! But before you get carried away by this selfless joy, you must first consider: are you really up to it? Will the the bears and crocodiles be alright with you devoting extra energy to this project? Due to the special nature of this exchange, pinch-hitting will not be an option - your Valentine is after all your one-and-only and you shouldn't have to share. A high level of commitment is therefore necessary, hence the reason I am stressing cheapness and simplicity. It's the thought that counts, and if you really want to express your burning passion, you are welcome to take your giftee out behind the school after the party and, uh, demonstrate those feelings in person.

Holy sheeeet, this sounds incredibly awesome and I want in. What must I do? I thought you might say that! Well the first thing to do is to comment below and let me know a method to contact you. By tomorrow evening, I will send out the assignments, and from then you will have exactly two weeks to finish your gifts. On Sunday, February 13th you will submit your presents, and on the 14th, WE WILL HAVE OUR PARTY. And there will be cake!


As always, questions and submissions will be sent to Be sure to spread the word! The more the merrier!


secret valentine 2011, !modpost, !exchange

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