Title: The ItaShi Ghazal
Rating: R
Disclaimer: All Naruto characters herein are the property of Kishimoto Masashi. No copyright infringement is intended.
Warnings: I seriously cannot adhere to structured writing. So, poetry fail.
Author's Notes: This is an attempt to kick my writer's block off. (where writer's block = having an affair with another fandom)
You entered the world like a morning, like the sun rising from the water.
Your tender bones remembered earth, spilled and stayed, child from the water.
When war caught you like a perpetual storm, I wondered if you'd stir then,
and saw as your eyes, dark as tide pools, leaked not only blood but water.
Somewhere your banner lifted up to the sky, in my eyes you were strong,
In rushing rivers you were faster than me, only then, only in water.
And your face was a glory in my mind, that I found myself looking to you,
thirsting for your words, your hands, your lips, cool, sweet as water.
But I found myself in exile from you, where the light is excruciating,
where mirages and faceless beasts roam, and the earth barren, devoid of water.
And when time came I found your shore again, following the echo of my call,
You held me and took me in, and all I breathe is your love and water.