Oct 02, 2005 19:01
I hate it when people argue, and it is especially worse when it’s parents. I don’t mind arguing with people when I am in the mood. Or sometimes I don’t care about arguing, but not when it’s your parents. It’s really horrible and I hate it so much. So to drown out voices I am typing really really loudly. Parents arguing can completely ruin an otherwise good day, its just not right that they should argue. I know that everyone argues and everyone ahs ups and downs, but kids should never ever see parents argue. I’m not a kid and I still hate it. It’s like parent should be the one thing that is completely solid in your whole life, so to see them full blown arguing about really mean stuff probably isn’t good for me. I will make a vow now that I am going to try and curb my arguing so that my kids never see me argue….actually no, I am never going to argue with the person I end up with because what is the point of a relationship that is mainly arguing and resentment?
Lys has gone to Uni now for two days and I haven’t spoken to her yet, hopefully I will tonight. Mpyt was a waste of my time really. I could have been home sorting out stuff and rearranging my room. But still I got some homework done. I have Mpyt again tomorrow, ergh. Andrew is being a jack ass to near on every girl and just makes us feel like shit, woopdeedoo. I should type louder.