Dec 19, 2004 18:39
This weather is STUPENDOUS! I love it. Today church was over 2 hours long and it had everything i had to get through it. After church my brother and I headed to Boring's to look at snowmobiles. He is trading both of ours in and trying to get a nicer one for the time being, then when he moves to Colorado he is going to get a new one, even though he already bought one out there. All the talk of snowmobiles made me want to go ride ours. The roads were bad and Matt and I drive a like so we drove like assholes having fun on the way home. I had such a good time with him today. Phish listening, snow falling all around, and real conversations with him made my day. We came home and had a family lunch and it was cool. I laughed a lot, which is odd because I usually never speak at family feasting events cause i get made fun of a lot or get proven wrong.
I just slpet for a good 3-4 hours. It felt sooooo good. Matt just left to go back home to D.C. and he will be home again on Wed. Saaweeettt. I want to go skiing tomorrow. Let me know if you want to go.
Last night I went to the Inclined Plane with Jess then we hit up EnP. Renee then came with Courtney when they got off work. Ryan fucking Brisini was there. It was sweet to see him as well.
I am going to play and stare at the snow.