Nov 08, 2004 20:02
I finally wrote in this. Its november 8, Today was good. The day went buy fast and easy. I am going to georgia next wensday with my yearbook class. THat class is pretty cool, well higleys is cool, Better then chandlers, Not offence Brittany, but your yeakbook sucks .Mandy lane is a crazy bitch and thats all i have to say in that catagory. SAMSON . I saw the grudge. Some scary parts but other thent hat its sucks almost like matt monson,The cock. Albo and Freark silly strung my brothers car and saran wrapped it, that shits was funny, There is still silly string on it but most of its off. my mom and her boyfriend got married in vegas. Vegas kicked ass but if you are under age it sucks. No gambling, Titties or liqour. But the liqour is easy to get away with. And an interesting fact, You have to be be 18 y/o to buy a power drink in vegas. Stupid kids do the dumbest shut just to get a little buzz from enery drinks or dust off. Whats this world comeing to? Ohh and bush won. That little christian fuck wants to base everything off his realigion. Ohh for my realigon we dont need to her howard stern and his tastless radio, WEll fuck you bush if you dont like fucking change the station god damn. well you no hwats sad. People voted for the presednt that they wanted but majoridy of the people dont no what they are going to do. Democrates vote for democrats and republican votes for the republic. I think that people who are like that should see what bush really accopished in his last 4 years, Loosing millions of jobs, sending our troops to iraq for oil and he said he was looking for WMD when their was really nothing their. Not catching osama bin ladin when we had the chance, LOWERING TAXES for the rich people, I mean come on if they are rich then taxes would be no problem if bush lowerd it for them or not. Thats all i have to say for now.