yesterday.. stayed home for a while because my mom was gay and wouldnt let me go out .. and then she did to colleen's to watch moviess because me and col made these plans the night before. and then crys got madd at me but she denies she is. gina and kay went snowboarding with anthony and pat.. hope uu'z had funn ! <33 well i went to coll'z and her, her mom, and her aunt was there. her aunt was in a very good mood. wow lol coll. she was making funn of me annd coll because we took about 20 pictures of ourselves and she thought it was the funniestt craziesst thinng. thenn maureen (her mom/my halff mommy) took out her camera annd startedd doinng it. it was soo funny. thenn we started talking about how me annd coll'z brotherr had made out beforee butt itt wass likee........
maureen: oo wow i hope that when angie and pat went out they didnt kiss. ewww.
col & me: (we tried not to laughh but couldnnt help it)
maureen: where was this? hopefully not in my house.
col & me: (trying not to but laughinng againn)
maureen & coll'z aunt boo boo: ewwwwww.
...annd thenn mattt (coll'z ex b.f annd pat'ss bff) camme upp annd yeaa maureen found out that me and col made out with them at the samme timme in colleen's room over the summer when we were going out with themmm. it wass funny. anyway so then we went to go drop off pats stuff at matt's house becauseee pat was there annd decided to sleep there. so me and coll walked up to the door annd mat wass like "nooo donnt leave uu guyys. my parentss arennt home eitherr" he had a smirk on. thenn as we were walking away i looked at coll annd was like "yea because ur mom would let us stay here after she found out that we madeout with them in her own house. haa thatss funny" shee was hystericall.. ahahh <33 love thatt girll. so then we went to blockbuster. we rented napoleon dynamite and harold and kumar go to white castle. we rented these movies because all the guys talk about these moviess all the timme and mention liddle quotes from it, so we wanted to see what was soo god damn funny. [my daddyz stalker was theree ahahhh - she workss at blockbusterr] then we went home and watched the moviess - right after all of my ditzzy momennt'z i had lasst nighht. ahahh coll! NAPOLEON DYNAMITE IS THE WORST MOVIE OF ALL TIME. i dont understand why everyone loves it besides me annd coll. harold and kumar go to white castle was really good too. anyway then we went to sleeep. woke up and had to leave because i had softball and my dad dropped us off there and was going to mickey d'z. dad asked fernando if he wanted anything and fernando gave him $$ annd told himm. fernando annd my daddy are verry good friennd'z. thenn when my dad was gonne fernando tried to call him to tell him "he wanted 2 extra fires" when he was really gonna give them to me and my brotherr. fernando is the kwllesst trainnerr everr. well then i was batting okay today but i hadnt eaten anything this morning because i forgot and i just got dizzy and with my luck i fell.. not too grannd. only had to cut the thing short by like 3 minutess thank god. still dont feel good thoughh =[
if love is a labor ill slave till the end
i won't cross these streets until you
________________ hold my hand.