Nov 03, 2004 22:46
am i alone in asking, what twisted logic is this?
-when an unborn fetus matters more than the lives of 18 year old boys and girls who we so willingly send into battle
-when lying about a blowjob is cause for impeachment, yet lying about the reasons for going to war is not
-when bushies have to sign loyalty oaths to attend a campaign rally and candidates are not allowed to address each other in debates, yet Christians are told they cannot receive communion if they don't vote bush
-when the separation of church and state means nothing anymore yet the pope opposed the war
-when our president is for every man, except the gays, the blacks and, well, anyone who is not an Evangelical Christian
-When W stands for women, not war, while women's rights are being stripped away
-when Kerry's war record can be called into a question by a draft dodger
-When Fahrenheit 911 causes such an outrage for being partisan, yet the fox network can legitimately call themselves Fair and Balanced
-while gays are all sinners against God and the vice president's daughter is a lesbian
-and mentioning Mary Cheney is taboo because it hits to close to home. I'm sure being called sinners against God and being denied their rights hits gays pretty hard as well
-when questioning a man's war record and the reasons for marrying his wife are ok, but mentioning the gay daughter is not
-when bush claims to be the middle American cowboy, yet both he and Kerry were born into privilege, attended Yale and were part of Skull and Bones
-when we don't want our commander in chief and representative to the rest of the world to speak 6 languages because southerners find that hard to comprehend, and, besides, the French are anti-american
-when we have trouble defeating a country that can barely defend itself yet want to pursue Iran, a country that has access to nuclear weapons
-when we spread democracy to a country that wants nothing more from us than to let them be
-when our biggest concern was stopping an evil dictator who murdered thousands of people, yet we do nothing about the massacres in the Sudan
-when we give tax cuts to the rich and take from the poor, with no modern day Robin Hood to stop us
-when we support our troops by taking away their benefits
-when the bush campaign uses 9/11 as a political ploy, yet condemns any 9/11 widow for speaking out
-when a pack of cells is more important than the woman suffering from Parkinson's or the man with MS
-when we try and protect life at all costs, yet support the NRA and lift the assault weapons ban
-when we blame Janet Jackson or South Park for corrupting our youth while weapons are made readily available and speaking out is deemed unpatriotic
-when we condemn the martyrs and suicide bombers who attack in the name of Allah, yet blindly follow our president into a war he believed God favored
-when we think we can stop terrorism but do not realize it has been around since the dawn of argumentation
-when we are driven to a preemptive war by a man who sits idly by for 7 minutes while planes are driven into towers one and two
-when we destroy the taliban because of their backwards ways of thinking when we're still not sure about the theory of evolution or a woman's right to choose
-when our president represents only the evangelicals when our country is made up of Jews, Muslims and atheists, whites, blacks and Hispanics
Martin Luther King said: "The arc of history is long, but it bends towards justice."
This is a long arc indeed.