Jan 01, 2008 15:58
It's that time again when everyone is busy recuperating from the night before and thinking about life and what they want to do this year. It's odd that it takes the turning of the new year to make us think about these kinds of things and put a plan in action, but it's good too as it means we're all still trying to change - whether it's correcting our faults, curbing our vices, or just trying to get more out of life. Change is a good thing and nothing to be frightened of.
I've got a challenging year ahead, but that's because it's what I need to make the most out of my life. Sometimes I take the easy way out (don't we all?) and it's time I switched to the route of trying and failing rather than never trying at all.
2008 will be a mixture for me, personal challenges, writing challenges and those resolutions we make every year but always fail to keep.
Resolution 1 - Writing. To write VR Novel (that's its codename) to the best of my abilities, edit it thoroughly, and send it out to big trade publishing houses / good agents. If it fails to get noticed, it doesn't matter. I'm ready for rejection letters and honestly believe that I'll be seeing some, but it's the trying that counts with this one. I want to see if I'm ready yet, and at least then I can say that I've taken the big leap.
Resolution 2 - Health. To lose around 28 pounds, increase my fitness, continue at Kendo.
Resolution 3 - Enjoyment. To give life my all and take the opportunity to enjoy it at every turn.
Resolution 4 - Learn. To learn Japanese, including hiragana and katakana.
That's all of them. I like to keep things simple and resolutions aren't about setting impossible tasks for yourself. Four is a good number to have.
Kicking it off with Health then... off to do some cycling and watch some Fullmetal Alchemist.