Phone Calls and Spinning Lyrics

Apr 04, 2005 19:11

I don't like all of this drama. It seems to burn my eyes but I don't know why...It's very weird.

I called Sam today at 3:30. But he wasn't back from school. lol So his momma took a message. I wasn't expecting to hear from him for the rest of the night. To my surprise, he called me at Angie's. -^^- I've missed him so much... Funny thing, really. He thought I'd be 'odd' (is a good word for how he thought I'd feel) at the news of his gfs. But I already knew cuz of Tenley, so I didn't care. *cough* I want to know more about his new gf. I don't know why, really, I just do.

But my drama ain't nothing compared to that going on around me so my little shpiel is through. Time to go do homework! Yay for biology!


I hope he calls back again...


Post Script: Megan's on here! Yay! I'm excited! ^____________^ Angie said she wouldn't join. vv She doesn't like the inter web much anymore. Can't say I blame her. I feel bad for her. She has all the attention of about 30 guys at our school. There were more on ET. I'm glad we stopped getting on that. It was about to completely controll our lives...It started to on mine. *shudders* I still get on every once in a while, but I could care less about my pages and wiki's now. Meah. I probably should do some house cleaning in there.


Kay, I'm done for real now. If my mom catches me on here w/out my homework done, I get kicked off this compu for the rest of the week.

I need to order my shoulder rest soon. My arms hurt.

Kay bye.
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