Yes Yes

Jul 23, 2004 16:08

Hay there guys Shew Am I TIZARD I have had a pretty Bizzy well actually I've just been goin and ridin around w/ Bekah It was fun I talked to her alot about gettin saved and stuff..Tuesday we went to the Pool in BSG it was fun but not that fun...I saw Marcus,CodyM, And Of course Shane lol it was okay fun it wasn't Like the best fun I have ever had actually it sucked lol..Me and Bekah went to go find McDs but we couldn't lol..So we came back and when we got Back Marcus said Tasha was at Dairy Delight so I took Bekahs car to go down there but I didn't see her anywhere so I came back and I was back for bout 10 mins and we decided to go eat by that time this guy told me where it was and I rememberd lol...But we went got food then came home did nothin for the rest of the day.

Wednesday- I woke up w/ the Beautiful sound of the phone once again! It was Bekah wonderin if I wanted to go swimmin again and I was umm yea I said yea lol But I had to hurry up and get ready cause she was on her way...But wen she got here I was still not ready so she had to wait but my rents wasn't here so I had to call them and tell them I was leavin so first we went to Drew's and talked to him cause he said he wanted to see us so we went and I got attacked by his cat and it smelled like Tuna fish lol...But we stayed there for like 30mins then after that we went and got a Molataye then we went and saw Tiff we was there for like an hour then we had to come back to tha Lb cause Bekah had to be somewhere at 6. When we got here we just chilled we played 4 square and Vollyball..Then my dog ate Bekah's shoe so she took my addidas which I miss now lol I'm ok tho. Later that Night she called me cryin to tell me that she got in trouble and she wouldn't be able to come to uth which sucks really bad...But ahh it happends. Hopfully she'll be able to come next week...But After I got off the phone w/ her I got on here and Amber wanted me to call her so I did lol we talked about everything it was a good lil chat lol...We laughed really hard about somethin but we are yet to figure out what tha heck it was. But we stayed on the Fizzone til 7:18 lol..Then I finally went to sleep...I wasn't even tired

Today-I woke up at 2 and had to start figurin out what to wear to uth which I had no idea lol I finally picked somthin out and I still wasn't happy w/ it. But I got on here and did some stuff not much cause not really anyone was online..When I got off Bekah called and I talked to her and Drew and told Drew he should come to uth...He just laughed at me so I got off the phone. Then I went and got in the shower and tried to do my hair but where it rained today I really couldnt do much for it. So I finally gave up. But I got down to Foo Lan and Libby and all of them where already there...Kacey's mom tried to run over me! I was scared But Uth tonite was AWESOME let me tell YOU lol it was off the Hizzle then we got to go back in tha back and eat Pizza it was good but we had to leave cause it was already like 9:40 somethin but we finally left. I came home ate then now I'm sittin here typin this...I'm waitin on Brandon to get off the phone so I can get on here and post it...Well I'm leavin now so I'll TTY cats LATER





Name: Brittany Owens
Nickname: Bitty
Birthday: Feb.23
Birthplace: Whitesburg hospital


Current mood:Bored
Current music:none
Current taste: none
Current hair: im not sure? Messy
Current clothes:Shorts and cut off
Current annoyance: the birds churpin
Current smell: none
Current thing I ought to be doin:sleepin
Current desktop picture: the eye of God
Current favorite band: Kutless
Current book: ive not gotten it yet TIFF
Current cd in stereo: Casting Crowns
Current crush: No comment
Current favorite celeb: Johnny Depp
Current hate: itchin

=Do I=

Smoke?: NO
Do drugs:NO
Have a dream that keeps coming back?:yes
Remember your first love?:yes
Still love him/her?: yes Sadly
Read the newspaper?: sometimes
Believe in miracles?: Yes
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?:yes
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: yes VERY
Consider love a mistake?: no
Like the taste of alcohol?: no
Have a favorite candy?: yes
Believe in astrology?:no
Believe in magic?: hmm idk?
Believe in god?: Of course
Have any pets: Yes
Go to or plan to go to college:ahh i duno?
Have any piercings?: yes
Have any tattoos?: no
Hate yourself: no
Have an obsession?:yes
Have a secret crush?:yes
Do they know yet?: yes
Have a best friend?:yes
Wish on stars?: somtimes
Care about looks?: yes well not really

=Love life=

First crush: I cant remember?
First kiss: 6th grade
Single or attached?:attached
Ever been in love?: yes
Do you believe in love at first sight?:yes
Do you believe in "the one?": yes
Describe your ideal significant other:Tall, Funny, Sweet,Skater, Pretty lips and eyes

=Word association=

Rock: on
Green:John Deere green
Wet: lips
Cry: hard
Hay: Hi
Steamy: hot
Fast: slow
Freak:Jesus Freak
Rain: Drops
Bite: vampire
Religion: God

Hair: Blonde

Bought Molataye
Ate & Drank: pizza at church
Read: Lj
Watched on tv:Bug Juice

--EITHER / OR:--
club or houseparty:neither
beer or cider: cider
drinks or shots:neither
cats or dogs: cats
single or taken: taken
pen or pencil:Pen
gloves or mittens:Gloves
food or candy: Food
cassette or cd: cd
coke or pepsi: coke
this or that: that

kill: no1
get really wasted with:no1
look like: no1
be like: no1
avoid:haha SHH
talked to: Tiff
hugged: Brad
instant messaged: Kc

eat: My room
cry: Anywhere i feel it commin lol
wish you were: at the cabin w/ everyone

Dated one of your best friends? tried
Loved somebody so much it makes you cry?yes
Drank alcohol? yes
Done drugs? yes
Broken the law?yes
Run away from home?no
Broken a bone? yes
Played Truth Or Dare? yes
Kissed someone you didn't know? yes
Been in a fight? yes
Come close to dying?yes
--WHAT IS:--
The most embarrassing CD in your collection?:britney Spears
Your bedroom like?: Messy
Your favorite thing for breakfast?nothin i dont like eatin Breakfast
Your favorite restaurant?: Ruby Tuesdays or Cheddars


What's on your bedside table?: Clock a pop can thats prob been there forever
What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night?: anyhting
What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie?: Riding in cars w/ boys
What is your biggest fear?: Spiders
Do you ever have to beg?:yes
Are you a pyromaniac?: haha
Do you have too many love interests?:no
Crushes?: yes
Do you know anyone famous?:yes
Describe your bed: on the floor
Spontaneous or plain?: Spontaneous
Do you know how to play poker?: no
What do you carry with you at all times?: my conciuos
How do you drive?: good
What do you miss most about being little?:PEZ at all times..Eatin Dirt at my Grans
Are you happy with your given name?: Ahh no1 calls me that
How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year?: alot
What color is your bedroom?: its bein painted YELLOW!
What was the last song you were listening to?: I cant remember
Have you ever been in a play?: Yes
Who are your best friends?: Tiff,Silky,Amber,Tahsa,The rest of them lol
Do you talk a lot?:Yes
Do you like yourself and believe in yourself?:Definatly
Do you think you're cute?: haha no But i joke like that all the time tho
Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you? No
Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?: yes
Do you spend more time with your girlfriend, boyfriend, or your friends?:Friends
What is the first thing you think when you see two gay guys or lesbians holding hands?:They need Jesus J/k i dont really think nothin of it

Heres me Libby & Tiff

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