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Aug 16, 2004 21:39

hay there guys ive tried to update like 4 times and it wouldnt let me i hate this crappy puter..But imma tell you guys whats what ive been doin- Thursday-first day of school i woke up at 7:35 bus runs at 7:45 i got everything done cept brushin my teeth which i did on the bus haha it was cool we got a new NSE..(Norma Stallard Express) for those of you that dont know thats what we call our bus lol we got a brand spakin new one. Its off the hizzle i can sleep and not be woken up by bumps its fly lol (fly never used anymore!). But when i got to school i went to the G/C and tried to get my schedule but the bell rang just my luck but them leah gave me a schedule thank God!. After like an hour in home room we went to our first blcok class which is home ech. its kinda cool sorta borin right now im sure it will get funner. My second block is Algebra w/ Mrs.Powers, shes awesome lol...i like that class its very loong but its cool. after that i had lunch it was cool i chilled w/ Libby in the library. my 3rd block is Ancient history w/ Coach Shortt hes awesome he picks on me tho, Thats cause he lives like right next to me. But i like that class alot. I have it w/ Kels and Jason. Then my last block is study hall it sucks...me and Ernie sat up there and ate sun flower seeds and talked about the rolling stones and Kurt Cobain weird i know but lol we had nothin better to do! When i got home shew i was thankin Jesus Christ lol it was fun but i was ready to go to uth!i missed everyone like mad! Youth was off the hizzle i really needed that...it was awesome...I hope next week is like that. Friday-was another day of school i did the same things cept this day i was sick *GAGS* it was awful..but i made it the whole day, after school i came home and called Amber talked to her about saturday plans then i rememberd Silky and i got on here talked to her then she was on her way to get me even tho i wasnt feelin so well i still wanted to go..she came got me and we got to her house adn did nothin we was both so tired lol we just layed there on her couch no tv or anything. it was fun! no joke i enjoyed it. it was sorta like a break. but after we tried to watch Nemo we went to bed like right in the middle of it lol..we didnt sleep tho we talked a little bit. Saturday I had to be home by 3 cause Travis was commin over so we layed in the bed til like 2 somethin then she brought me home when i got here i called Travis and no1 answerd so i got on here and talked to him then i called amber and told her to meet me at wal-mart so we did shew we all packed into my car haha it was awful but i laughed all the way to the fair..when we got therr we rode the umm what was it shew i cant remember what it was called ooh the moon rocket it was cool cept we stayed upside down for like 5 mins it was weird lol...Later we finally found josh..Then we lost him again then we found him once more haha it was cool tho. after that Amber got her crotch stuck in the fence cause she wouldnt stop laughin lol it was so funny i laughed so hard my face was hurtin lol...Then we went to the wildcat so i could get some junk food it was fun i got a new pez despencer it has a wistle on it its awesome..When we got here we watched the butterfly effect and talked on here. at 2:12 I was talkin to Josh and he asked me out i was so excited of course i said yes. I liked him for a while and it just made me happy for once. So me and him are datin now i hope it lasts for a long while. But after that we got off and went in my room we looked at a few yearbooks then we talked and we looked and it was 5 in tha am i couldnt believe it! so we had to go to sleep cause we had to get up at like 8 so we could go to church i woke up once at 7 and told amber nevermind to go back to sleep lol...then she got woken(is that a word?)By the alarm clock i never heard it lol then she woke me up when she got outta the shower lol then i got in and we called Travis he came got us and we got to church..walked in got our seat then Anna meade got us to come sit w/ her and then Dannel came to sit w/ Amber,It was a good Sermon...After church i had a crappy time then i got Shorty to take me and Travis over to BW and then me and Trav went and got some food then after that i called Tiff to see what was up?..Then i went to sleep and slept in the floor it was uncomfortable...VERY. But after that i came home and as soon as i got home Josh called so i talked to him for a while then he had to go so i got on here and talked to a few ppl then he got online and i talked to him.. hes soo sweet!.. but then i got offline and i went to bed. Monday-This mornin i woke up at 7 and shew i was so tired i could tell i was gonna have a bad day...and just that i did it went by sooo sloooow...But right now i have to get off here ill talk to you cats tomar... Amber I miss you aint talked to you all day =( Tasha its been about a week why have you not called me? your breakin my heart girl~ im out -Bitty
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