More About Pi

Mar 14, 2008 23:32

I did a bit of research in the spirit of Pi Day, and found something interesting I'd like to share~. Of course, I've only tried this with two samples, so it requires further study.

After noticing the many obvious double numbers in pi (i.e. 22, 44, 55, etc. etc.) I decided to take two random samples of pi and count the number of each pair.

This is the first sample, and this is the second~:

In the first sample, this is how many times each pair of numbers was located:

11 - 19
22 - 23
33 - 13
44 - 21
55 - 24
66 - 20
77 - 25
88 - 21
99 - 27

Mean: 21.4444...
Median: 24
Mode: 21

As for the second sample, these were the results:

11 - 30
22 - 22
33 - 23
44 - 23
55 - 18
66 - 19
77 - 22
88 - 24
99 - 22

Mean: 25.1111...
Median: 18
Mode: 23

Average of the Means for both samples: 23.25
Average of the Medians for both samples: 21
Average of the Modes for both samples: 22

The median for both samples, which is also the median of the list above, is 21. The number 21 occurs 34 times in both samples. Coincidence~?

The average of the list above is 22.08333..., 22 being both the average of the modes for both samples and occurring 23 times in the first sample (the average of the means) and exactly 22 times in the second sample.

Whether or not any of this actually means anything significant is currently unknown, but it interested me nevertheless~.

((ooc: Any errors in math are mine and not River's. XD My eyes hurt from looking at so many tiny numbers. x.X))

pi, this is what happens when river is bored

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