昨天,大女儿从学校回来,跟我说华文老师要求她们读一段短文,短文取自《德龄与慈禧》。 我从没读过对这个故事,便试着查看故事内容大纲。这故事还挺有趣的,结果我就陪俊詝一起读。
这个故事让我回想起 我在好几年前看过的一部
德龄丶容龄这两位「海归派」的到来,给古老的紫禁城带来了一股时尚之风。当时美国公使康格夫人丶西班牙公使德卡赛夫人丶日本公使内田夫人等外国驻华使节夫人入宫拜见时均由德龄陪同并担当翻译,德龄还爲光绪皇帝讲授英文,并经常爲慈禧太后和光绪皇帝译读国外的报纸,爲清宫打开了一扇通向外部世界的窗口。德龄姐妹还与美国公使康格夫人和海军提督伊文思夫人接洽,邀请美国艺术家卡尔女士(Katharine Carl)为慈禧太后画像。
Katharine Carl was contacted by Sarah Pike Conger, the wife of American Ambassador Edwin H. Conger with an offer to come to China in the summer of 1903 to paint a portrait of the Empress Dowager Cixi for the Chinese exhibit at the 1904 Louisiana Purchase Exposition.[7] She spent a total of nine months in China and painted four portraits of the Empress Dowager, later recording her memories as the only western foreigner to live within the precincts of the Chinese imperial court in its last days in a book that was published in 1906.
I was obliged to follow, in every detail, centuries-old conventions. There could be no shadows and very little perspective, and everything must be painted in such full light as to lose all relief and picturesque effect. When I saw I must represent Her Majesty in such a conventional way as to make her unusually attractive personality banal, I was no longer filled with the ardent enthusiasm for my work with which I had begun it, and I had many a heartache and much inward rebellion before I settled on the inevitable.
- Katharine Carl, With the Empress Dowager of China