Jun 09, 2009 18:20
So now that I am home from Japan and can actually access the internet on a regular basis, I'll try posting some entries I wrote!
Five Ways Japan Taught Me Not to Ask
One perfectly normal night, I go downstairs after doing my homework to hear the vaccuum running. I walk into the living room, and see my host family sitting watching TV. Everyone's eyes are glued to the TV, including my host father's, as he vaccuums his son's head.
Yes. Vaccuuming his son's head.
I closed the door and went back upstairs.
I once happened across a vending machine that sold sex toys. One of the most popular was a huge dildo called "Melancholy."
Flash Dance and Elf were also top contenders.
Every night, my host family watched comedians on TV. One of their favorites was a man famous for counting. He would count normally until he hit a multiple of three (I think), when he would spazz out and say it with a weird face or body movement. My host family would just DIE laughing.
I still fail to see the humor in counting.
When it rains in Japan, every single person on the street pulls an umbrella out of thin air the moment they feel the smallest drop. Those on bikes are not perturbed--they, too, use an umbrella, sometimes while talking on their cell phones at the same time. It is an incredible display of multi-tasking!
It is nearly impossible to customize your order at a restaurant, even if it would make it easier on them. If you ask for a cheeseburger without onion, expect to hear a "Well....." and a long pause in return (btw, you are supposed to reconsider your request during that long pause and retract it).
Not even allergies are enough to warrant a change...so be careful!