Nov 30, 2005 09:01
I can only imagine, when that day comes, when i find myself standing in teh sun, i can only imagine when all i would do, is forever worship you, i can only imagine, i can only imagine, surrounded by your glory what will my heart feel will i dance for you jesus or in awe of you be still.will i stand in your presence to my knees will i fall will i sing hallejuah, will i be able to speak at all i can only imagine......and on and on....great song here guys!!! Song by Mercy Me. I actually like part of there songs seeing how i know three of them...probably more if i heard them but anyway...I can only imagine...:) that songs reminds me of a certain moment too so its all good. Anyway just thought i would do a quick entry...i have to go back to work today. So i will be going in a few minutes. Anyway it seems that i found and/or now another person that is always watching out for me. His name is Greg my brother. I guess family is the main people who would watch out though. He is on his mission too...i got an email from him. Anyway i gtg. I hope all of you are doing well and my internet up in my room doesn't work so i can't go on AIM or anything...just downstairs computer. Anyway i'm gonna go. So have a great day guys! -ducky