Episode 11: Habit is overcome by Habit

Mar 30, 2008 18:25

In the 17th century, 'professionals' in the upper echelon of privileged society described obsessions and compulsions as symptoms of religious melancholy. An Oxford Don reported a case in the Anatomy of Melancholy, c. 1621: "If he be in a silent auditory, as at a sermon, he is afraid he shall speak aloud and unaware, something indecent, unfit to be said."

In 1660, the Bishop of Down and Connor, Ireland, was referring to obsessive doubting when he wrote of scruples: "A scruple is trouble when the trouble is over, a doubt when doubts are resolved."

In his 1691 sermon on religious melancholy, the Bishop of Norwich, England, referred to individuals obsessed by "naughty, and sometimes Blasphemous Thoughts [which] start in their Minds, while they are exercised in the Worship of God [despite] all their endeavours to stifle and suppress them ... the more they struggle with them, the more they encrease."

Concepts evolved in the 19th century when faculty psychology, phrenology and mesmerism were popular theories. Intellectual currents coursing through philosophy, physiology, physics, chemistry and political thought influenced a psychiatrist struggling to understand. Obsessions, where insight was preserved, were distinguished from delusions, in which it wasn't. Compulsions were distinguished from impulsions, and that included forms of paroxysmal, stereotyped and irresistible behavior. Am I confusing you yet?

Influential psychiatrists disagreed about whether the source of it lay in disorders of the will, the emotions, or the intellect.

I wonder which one caused our Warden to resign. He doesn't have much to lose in two days, the cheater. But the rest of you better get your nominations ready, elections are coming up fast. Campaign season's in the air, and in a City where only half of the pool gives a flying fuck about ballots, your vote really does count.

Oh and, it's great to be back.

Today's Playlist:
"Psycho Killer" Talking Heads
"Obsession" Army of Lovers
"She Drives Me Crazy" Fine Young Cannibals
"Knock Three Times" Tony Orlando
"Vote or Die" Puff Daddy?

[ooc: Mod-approved! Songs are played between bits of dialogue. As far as the radio host is concerned, Cori's speaking anonymously and that applies to the written transcriptions on his LJ. It's just easier and more efficient to put them here instead of creating a 'ghost' account. So please consider Radio Entries as anonymous and any spam here will be answered by anonymous. Thanks guys ♥]

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