Re: For the Love Of Santa Clause......

Dec 07, 2007 09:20

When did LJ become a place to sling mud? I really enjoy reading about my friend's and acquaintance's adventures (Min, Rach, Sara, Dave, etc) and really like logging on and seeing something out of the blue posted (I think Rach talked about promisciousness the other day) or just the run of the mill stuff that I also have to do (yes Min, I take the time to read your " chores list skip unless you want to be bored"). What I grow tired of is logging on and seeing people complain left and right. It's the holidays people! Come on! Liven up! I don't mean to complain in this post, and in previous posts I think I have limited my complaints to those that are geared towards people who actually read my LJ, as I was trying to get the point directly across to them in particular, which is why I intentionally posted. That being said.....
A question across the board for everyone!
What is something that you always wanted for Christmas, but never got, and eventually bought for your self, or just don't have yet?

acquaintances, life, friends, christmas

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