Aug 17, 2009 19:41
Every once and a while I am overwhelmed by the saga, the history, the collective memory of my People. Maybe it's because the High Holidays and, subsequently, the autumn season are approaching. It is, after all, one of the most spiritual times of the entire year for us. If the Temple was still around, we would be preparing sacrifices and offerings to Sacred, Unspeakable Name of God. Not to mention the fact that my magick always feels stronger, more immediate at this time of the year.
I can be overwhelming at times. The tribal consciousness that seems to pervade everything around me; that makes me want to shokel and pray and stand in wonder on the beach (or on the levee, as the case may be down South) while watching the sun rise. To be thankful for the life I have, with all its trials and tribulations. To praise the source of it all, whatever that source might be.
It's not that I believe in the words of the Torah verbatim, but I do believe in the power of community, family, nation, and tribe. Subsequently, I also believe in the power of tradition, which may or may not be superstition and/or antiquated actions. Regardless of their original purpose, they ties us together. It's nice to know that, no matter where you are or what you circumstances might be, when you light candles for Shabbat, there are hundreds of thousands of people doing the exact same thing, at the exact same moment, for the exact same reason.
We feel safe.
We feel connected.
We feel. Period.
What is cooler than that?