That exam was brutual

May 11, 2010 17:52

...and I'm glad its over.

Even if I didn't do as well as I hoped.

At best, I got a high B; at worst, a low C. Either way, the grades I earned on my previous exams and quizzes have solidified my B in the class. Granted, it's still a good grade and I did work hard for it. Still, I was aiming a little higher. The boilermaker promised me a little black dress night if I got a 4.0 this semester. Alas, it was not meant to be.

*le sigh*

Once again, I knew too much about things that weren't asked and too little about the things that were.  For example, there were three questions relating to ferritin, aconitase, and IRE-BP.  I had no idea what those things were or how they worked. Minus 7.5 points right there. I would have been better off memorizing the questions on the practice test she posted on my university's MOODLE  than reviewing the power point presentations from each chapter, which was what I did. Many (and I stress the use of the term 'many') of the questions my professor used on this year's final were taken, verbatim, from said practice test. And there I was thinking that she wouldn't be that transparent. I stand corrected.

Like I said, I'm glad it's over. I'm totally ready for summer: having my weekends free to hang out with the boilermaker and visit my friends in NOLA without worrying about this paper or that exam; visiting my family; working on my tan; having the time to finish my research and write my thesis; and catching up on some serious pleasure reading. You know, the usual :P Lots of de-stressing. Lots of relaxing.


Lots of FUN!

f.i.n.a.l.s., school, summer

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