[LOG] Counseling.

Jul 30, 2009 13:57

Northwest Bowl, Ista Weyr

Even in darkness, the wide bowl glows softly, lit by twinkling stars and available moonlight. Despite the frequent traffic the bowl receives, grass stubbornly continues sending up shoots to cover some of its hard-packed dirt. Well-worn tracks lead to commonly used areas: southeast to the rest of the bowl and the inner caverns, on further northwest to the sprawling plateau of Ista Weyr. Westward, by the corrals, the bowl wall is missing; the lava flow that once tore it down now long-cooled into the grassy plain visible from here.

The remaining walls, however, are well-used, riddled with the ledges of weyrs and lined along the bottom with entrances to ground weyrs for flights, visitors, and the injured--the infirmary's curtained doorway is equally close, for those particular cases. There's also the large tunnel with its metal doors to the weyrling barracks, back to the northeast.

It's after dinner, with the sunlight still shining down from the sun even as it makes its escape for the day. Outside in the bowl, having managed to make it a decent distance away from the barracks are Nenita and Safriath. The washing and oiling of the young gold must have been taken care of already for the two have found a rare grassy spot. The dragonet has her wings held high and wide, presumbly to dry off in the warmth while her lifemate lays contently on her back taking advantage of the downtime before curfew gets put into affect.

Even if he didn't really specify an exact hour, K'aus makes good on the 'tonight' part. Nenita will wait a little, he isn't all that punctual, but eventually he does show. Ehrudith backwings and alights at a distance and his rider dismounts like an experienced equestrian. The pair then walk, or in the dragon's case undulate, closer to where Nenita and her little friend relax. "Hi," says the brownrider, casual. Ehrudith's paw comes down with a hollow thump and his fingers splay out on the bowl's floor. He chuffs and lowers his head very. slowly. to peer over K'aus's shoulder.

Safriath is like a perfect miniature representation of a gold in flight with the way she poises her wings. If only she were off the ground. The arrival of man and brown get her attention before Nenita, turning her head very slowly to witness their landing with large inquisitive eyes. On the ground, eventually the brunette turns her head and rolls her eyes up to see K'aus coming. Looking past him to Ehrudith, "I suppose I can believe you now. He's certainlly real looking." Adjusting her arms, she pushes up until she's propped onto her elbows. "And hello."

Ehrudith, all real and whatnot, puffs out a gentle snort. He heard that. Attention turning from the one he wanted to the one who found her, he focuses one giant whirling eye on Safriath and breathes. That's about it. Meanwhile, K'aus confines his hands within his pockets and says, "Mmhm." His eyebrows lift and he very purposefully tilts his head to slide a glance at the dragons.

Dragon> To Safriath, Ehrudith is big. He is big and old and smells like the sea and salt and deep brown earth and his voice is the ancient creaking of ships and he breathes life into this connection as if by his will alone it will exist. << Know me. >> It's a simple command that lacks pretense, but he almost smothers the young gold in all that he is so that she might become familiar.

Nenita doesn't make an effort to stand once he arrives, simply looking up at him from her place on the ground. Maybe in a little while she tire of being down there but for now she seems content with that place. A few strands of dark messy hair are pushed to the side. "Were you able to sleep?" She asks, eyes trailing away from him and moving to the pair of dragons.

Dragon> To Ehrudith, Safriath is not big, at least not compared to Ehrudith. Not yet. What she's lacking in size the youngster tries to make up for in personality and flare. Coming to meet those creaking ships on the salty sea, is a splash of flavorful red wine and the smooth, luxurious feel of satin against bare skin. In a lovely voice all her own, << You. Will know me. >>

Maybe she doesn't have to get up, maybe he'll just come join her down there. He does! With a little care paid to his placement, as in: not too close, K'aus arranges himself in Nenita's grass and bends both legs loosely, one knee aiming for the sky. "Were you?" he wants to know, his eyebrow lifting. They did have a deal or something.

Dragon> There is a moment there after she's spoken that the brown dragon uses to first file her voice and the sense of her in along with the other names worth mentioning (she'll feel a little lonely in that file) and second collect his patience. << So it would seem. >> Grudging. (Ehrudith to Safriath)

"No, between lunch and dinner we got to hear all about common problems in young dragons. Again. Then I ate again and so did she." Since he comes down to her level and she doesn't have to get up, she relaxes onto her back again. Her eyes are comfortably dedicated towards the changing of colors over the bowl wall. "Were you?" She asks again.

Dragon> To Ehrudith, Safriath is happy with this. And is she only with a few worth mentioning? Well. That's perfectly fine. More room for her.

"I really miss the monotony." There's a feigned wistfulness for the way things were, the nostalgia of it all completely put-on. She's horizontal. K'aus takes note of this with a brief look that then swings upward. "I don't really do the whole sleep thing. You'd be amazed how much I get done."

Dragon> To Safriath, Ehrudith settles, both in your mind and outside of it, and gets comfortable. He isn't going anywhere.

Besides her, on the other side that K'aus isn't by, Safriath finishes stretching her wings out to the sun. Those large, slowly whirling eyes contemplate the larger brown for several long moments before settles down onto the ground in uncharacteristic silence. Perhaps just enjoying the warmth for now. Nenny side-glances up and towards him, listening to his fake nostalgia before snorting. "You're lying. How much do you get done? And are we talking what a normal person would think was productive or what you personally feel is a lot in a day?" Her eyes drift over to the young dragon before asking in a quieter voice, "Why?"

"There you go using that 'normal' word again, you should really be careful about throwing that thing around." Ehrudith has by now settled as well with a great repositioning of his great limbs; he is still placed behind his rider and dwarfs him considerably. "But for the record, I get all of my work /and/ all of my preying on young girls wrapped before dinner most days." He clasps his, hands in his lap and looks very proud of himself, but her quiet question sobers him and earns her another glance. Carefully, he's had to answer this question a lot lately, K'aus replies. "Bad dreams." Simple. No big deal. Don't worry about it.

"You know what I mean." Maybe it's that being a whole foot away is too much for her. But Safriath is moving again, this time to close the distance and put herself hide and limbs against Nenita's side. Unconsciously her hand stretches out to touch the dragonet, though now her face is turned towards him. "What do you do after dinner, most nights?" She asks. The glance is caught when he shoots it to her, not having bothered to avert her own yet. There's not even the lift of 'brows just the careful and intent stare of her eyes before the subject is allowed to die peacefully. Mostly. Kind of. "You could drink warm milk." Maybe?

That Safriath moves closer is not a concern. He's much too accustomed to the behaviors of young dragons, having gone through the whole thing himself once upon a time. But while the little gold has all of Nenita's attention she gets almost none of K'aus's save for that momentary look. Her weyrling falls under his gaze next, again, so that he might consider her before he speaks. "I do a lot of things. It depends on if I'm alone or not." Warm milk? His smirk says it all, but he adds, "I'll try it sometime." Not.

Now that physical contact has been established between the two again, she seems content to lay her neck and head down into the patch of grass and rest it there. Nenita is still laying there on her back, one hand linked behind her head. She contemplates him briefly before moving on. "Tell me something that you do when you're alone. Tell me... something that you might do with someone you thought was a friend." Thought? It's possible she's not certain if K'aus thinks of too many people as actual friends. "I'm serious. It has a way of being very soothing."

"Or, y'know, disgusting." About the milk. But nevermind. All at once K'aus leans back on his arms and sighs. Her question requires some thought apparently, so he thinks with his chin dipping towards his chest and his mouth pushed out. After a time, "I read. I like books. I, uh..." Friend, friend. Hm. "I think the only things I do with other people are the kinds of things I shouldn't even be talking about. Now." He very carefully does not look at her. At either of them.

"It's not disgusting. I bet you just haven't even bothered to try some." Nenita then props herself up to arms. Apparently quite happy to talk about this. Former cooks being... still into food it would seem. "You sprinkle a little cinnamon on top and mmmm." She closes her mouth and makes a happy-moany type sound. Which if you're thinking of other things could uh, sound like that. "How many books do you have?" But the way he doesn't look at her and the answer to her last question results in her dropping down onto her back again. "You could at least look at me." There's a slow glance towards Safriath who for now seems content to lay there and partially doze in the fading light.

Could. Might do. She has his attention when she makes the noise, that's for sure. "Several," he answers blandly, still staring. Is that better? He's looking at her, making a point to in fact; also making a point about making a point, lifting his eyebrows. "Lookin' at you." But he did something, he should fix it. "I don't have friends. I have me, the dragon and sometimes a girl. And I'm pretty confident that you're aware we shouldn't talk about what I do with a girl."

The glance to her dragon eventually finds its way up to the sky and doesn't look at him this time. Maybe she can see the stare and the bit of uncomfortable tension developing there. "I'm not asking you to really talk to me about that. I just don't want to be treated..." Trailing off for a second there she finally spits out, "Strangely. Like you're trying not to look at me. Trying not to be too close. It feels awkward and weird. And how can that be good? How can feeling like some sort of outcast be good? It's not just you. It's everyone. Like I'm not Nenita, not the person they're comfortable with anymore." Not having friends is finally rounded onto at the end. "I'd counter that with I'll be your friend. But it would sound cheap. And you'd tell me no."

This feels familiar, like a certain time in a certain galleries. At least this time K'aus is a little more prepared for the open vent of feelings. Perhaps not any better equipped at helping, but more prepared. He waits before he answers, forming something in his head before he actually says anything. Good move. "First, I wouldn't say no. But I should tell you I make a shitty friend. Second... Welcome to the life, doll. People without, they don't understand us. They can't. And you, with her," another glance for the gold, "you're even more out there. /I'm/ comfortable. But like it or not, you're in a completely different league and... that's the life."

Nenita's eyes dart towards her, the her she's still touching. "No one said anything about gold dragons. They just said dragons. I didn't think about the possibility of that for a second when I went out there. Not me." The hide under her skin is stroke, softly and lovingly. Silence until, "I wouldn't take it back. I wouldn't take back saying yes now. You were right. But." Her attention shifts back to him. Quietly now, but with a touch of real anger. "Someone I thought was alright insinuated that I should practice lying. Snidely. Since it was going to come in so handy for me. I wanted to punch him in his face for it." She exhales before shaking her head. "I don't care. You wouldn't say no?"

He listens to her, to all of it; she doesn't need to worry about being interrupted or halted. She's allowed her piece. When she's through he looks down at his hand, pressed palm-down into the ground by his weight. "Who said that?" he wants to know, but it's a question born from curiosity and he knows there's a bigger picture here. So he hauls himself backwards and over until he can slide into the available space at her side, which sandwiches her in between him and her queen. He then frees his arm from the press of their bodies and circles her shoulders with it.

"Ch'son, another weyrling. I probably shouldn't have let myself get so irritated by it. Things are just irritating me. It's a week and a half in and I'm annoyed already. I was annoyed the first night." The movement and subsequent encircling of her shoulders prompts her to look cautiously around the bowl before glancing over to Safriath. A dragon that is now full on napping so isn't too concerned with what's going on. It's after that that she allows herself to lay her head down onto his shoulder and rest it there. "You didn't answer my question." In case he forgot what it was, "You wouldn't say no?"

He must have assumed it would be acceptable, based on at least the fact that Safriath is clearly sleeping. He has an insider's input on the issue anyway. So she lays her head down and he provides something sturdy for her to lean on. "So be annoyed. Be pissed off. You can't censor yourself all the time, you can't just not be you. That's when people start freaking out and losing their shit." Which they've covered. K'aus is pressing his mouth into a thin but smirking line when he does finally answer her, which suggests he didn't answer because he chose not to and not because he didn't hear her. "No, I wouldn't say no."

"Especially if I'm just joking around. I didn't expect a man to be that sensitive. You make fun of someone's itch and they get all bent out of shape." Which probably can't lead to any savory thoughts on what the hell she was talking about to Ch'son when this happened. "And losing your shit is bad." Which has been covered also. She turns her head, pressing her face into his shoulder and looking over it and under his ear. It's a weird view. Mostly her visual attention seems to be on the doors to the barracks, in case certain staff members come out. "So you're going to be my friend. Settled. Deal."

"Yeah, I'm... gonna be your friend." Deal. Perhaps later he will realize that this decision might have ramifications. For now though it's enough that to be her friend might make her happy, or at least less likely to slap someone. While she looks over his shoulder he looks down at his knee or something and dwells. "If the kid has an itch you're probably better off staying away," says the expert on itches. And then, in an abrupt shift in directions, K'aus mentions, "You should probably go inside."

"Good." And Nenita doesn't slap people. She punches. Because she was a cook and cooks hit people in the head with pans. And have access to knives. However the hand that was still on the young queen's hide lifts off, breaking contact for just a moment. Just long enough for her to make sure no one is spying and put both arms quickly around K'aus's neck. And since it's a friendly hug, there should be no ramifications from it. Right? Especially if she squeezes just a tiny bit before letting go. "I think it's from the claw he got in the thigh. Not so much... uh. From something else." She settles back down, using her hands to push into the gold insistently. "You're right. I should get her inside."

Hugging. K'aus is not a hugger, by choice or not, so when he finds himself on the receiving end he tenses a little and his hand hovers above her shoulders completely useless. It happens so fast he doesn't get a chance to react more than that, but when she pulls away he's looking down and clearing his throat. "Yeah." Yeah, inside. And he's going to stand, which is better for looking around in case anyone might have seen. "Claw in the thigh's a likely story," he adds, looking down at her efforts. Ehrudith lazily lifts a paw to span the distance and tap the tip of a talon there on the bowl floor inches from where Safriath dozes.

For his efforts, Ehrudith may recieve the tail-end of her lifting her head from the bowl floor and sneezing. Afterwards she looks around in that childish way new dragons have, confused and wondering until Nenita is located at her side. Using the hands that were just insistingly pushing her to wake up, she now helps herself up. Distractedly, "A hatchling nailed him and me at the same time. So it's entirely likely." The tenseness may have been noticed by her or it may not have, because she's much too wrapped up in getting Safriath to her feet. It happens slowly but surely until the gold is up. "If you wanted to come by again... Well. I think you'll know where to find us. Who to look for."

Amused, the brown one chuffs. Kids. "Oh." Nailed; same time. Right. The proof's on her shoulder, which is good enough for him if it'll save him a look at another dude's upper leg area. It's downright protective of him to watch over the two of them while they sort themselves out but he downplays it by stifling his hands in his pockets again and shrugging. "I think if I wanted to look for you I'd know it was you I'd be looking for, yeah." His smirk is slow in coming; he gives her a little two-fingered salute while maintaining backwards progress towards the plateau and that whole beach-y area. Ehrudith gives his farewell in the form of a low gravelly rumble and turns slowly to follow as far as he can before he has to take wing. Which he does. Poof.

nenita, k'aus

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