[Log] Little green thing.

Mar 20, 2008 11:04

Who: Vrianth, Dagany..
What: After the hatching, Dagany meets Leova's new friend. Life companion. Soul mate. You know, ickle dragon creature.
Where: East bowl, HRW. AKA Where All The Parties Be Happenin'.
When: ...


Eastern Bowl, High Reaches Weyr(#840RIJs)

Standing on the eastern side of the bowl, you realize why this is one of the most striking Weyrs on Pern. Arrayed around the north rim of the bowl are the Seven Spindles: high crownlike points formed of old volcano flows which were eroded to sharp spikes. The bowl itself is a rough ovoid shape, with a large lake taking up a good portion of the southeastern part. The bowl seems to slant down to the lake shore, and the soil becomes a little looser in that direction. From the east, the slight aroma of herdbeast and wherry hide rises from the feeding grounds. The northeast section of the bowl is full of activity: training of dragons both young and old goes on in a large clearing near the entrance to the weyrling barracks and dragon infirmary. Several small boulders dot the area to the north, forming a winding path to the ledges leading into the weyrleaders' quarters.

The morning is mostly hidden between scattered grey clouds. It is raining heavily, the water coming down in torrents. It is completely still, no winds blow and the fall air temperature feels comfortable. The ground beneath your feet is wet from the last storm.

Vrianth prowls out and into the rain. She does not hesitate, does not linger under the overhang, but moves right into it and lets it pour off her wings.

While Dagany might be crazy enough to be out in the rain, he isn't quite crazy enough to be out directly under it. Instead he leans where a bit of rock's made a sort of shelter; a large poncho does much to keep him warm. Maybe he recognizes the new green when he sees her, from the hatching. He tilts his head when he sees her and lets the little curve happen to the corner of his mouth.

Vrianth moves toward that scruffy human as though she had intended to all along. Perhaps she did. Certainly she does not come too close: not under the overhang not out of the rain. But she does sink back to her hindquarters and look at him. She takes her time.

Whatever he'd been doing -- and with Dagany it's always hard to say -- he certainly does seem willing to abandon it in favor of this little creature. Staring at him. Not at all perturbed, he stares right back. And, because what else should a person do, he talks to her. "Bit wet out there."

Vrianth regards him nonchalantly, water still gliding off her wings (all eight meters of them), her neckridges, and the rest of her. Including her eyes: handy, those inner lids. Her eyes are green with flecks of blue just now. Intensely green. Distractingly so, perhaps. Not that she talks back.

No. She doesn't. But she isn't a blank wall either, and those eyes /are/ distracting. They are glowing things that he stares at like he's looking for secrets. And, when she doesn't move, and after he's watched the water on her, he tilts his head again, to the other side. He furrows his brow, glances up, looks at her, takes the first few steps out into the rain with her.

Vrianth stays still except for the slow whirling of her eyes, brighter as he watches her, the green of extravagant summer foliage that she has never seen. And what becomes a slow swish of her tail. She shares a little of her rain with the human, and watches some more to see how he likes it.

Being the sort to have a fondness for nature, having seen so much of it, been out in it, for all his life, Dagany likes it. The how comes easily: after watching /her/ for another long moment he tilts his head back and lets his face get wet. It didn't take long for his hair to be soaked through, so when he looks down at her again he can give it a shake and it'll spray water everywhere. His grin is boyish. "Your way's better."

Vrianth blinks a slow blink at him by way of answer. Had he been closer, close enough to splatter her, it might have been different. But as it is, why not? Rather than shake her head, she shakes her wings, their silvery sails shining momentarily in the cloud-filtered sunlight. And then because she can. And because it's /fun/. So!

All very good things. And if she gets any of her wing water on him he won't really notice because, well, wet. He'll admire her a moment, because at her current size he can actually /see/ all of her. Those bigger dragons just-- well, things are hard to take in at that scale. And maybe he shouldn't, she's someone else's, but he reaches his hand out to her. Not to touch her, he isn't invading her space, but it's a silent request, an offering, an invitation, all at once.

Vrianth stretches just a little, muscles and tendons under hide, not to puff herself out or to pose, exactly, but so he can see just a little bit more. And so it can become a smooth extension of her shoulders to her neck to her head, reaching out to sniff at his hand. Delicately. From a distance. She looks at him again, with those eyes deepening green into blue, before swinging around and returning to the barracks again.

Vrianth stretches just a little, muscles and tendons under hide, not to puff herself out or to pose, exactly, but so he can see just a little bit more. And so it can become a smooth extension of her shoulders to her neck to her head, reaching out to sniff at his hand. Delicately. From a distance. She looks at him again, with those eyes deepening green into blue, before swinging around and disappearing into the greater distance of the rain-filled bowl.

vrianth, dagany

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