Oct 13, 2007 23:08
You know when your dad tells you you've put on a few, it's time to lose weight.
So this is my first weekend back home and I have to say that I have not been disappointed--I've done nothing but hang out with my family and study all weekend and honestly, I couldn't be happier. Except for last night I ate so much that I threw up twice--I guess I just don't know my limits lol Regardless, I probably won't have an iced white chocolate mocha from Starbucks again for quite some time...I stayed up til 2 studying psychology and I finished writing notes from my book today just a few minutes ago...now I just need to review, review, review until Monday afternoon, when it's test-time...I have to get an A on this test...I just have to. I've studied so much harder for this round of tests, it's ridiculous...surprisingly enough, I'm kickin toosh in atmospheric science...maybe I should just ditch all attempts at becoming a journalist or writer and become a weathergirl....or maybe not.
Then today my sister had some friends over and they're spending the night...I helped them decorate the house for Halloween and bake cookies and then, as the sun was setting behind the trees in my backyard and the temperature was balmy and beautiful, we carved pumpkins and her friends asked me about college and I asked them about their sweet, innocent little high-school lives...ah, to be 15 again. Actually, I take that back, 15 was not a good age for me lol
It's just been a very wholesome weekend--I finally sort-of feel like the daughter my parents always wanted all along. Not wreaking havoc; not off breaking rules and lying; just relaxing at home, happy to be there, studying and helping around the house...Ethan is HUGE now, I was so surprised at the fat little thing that was lying in his crib when I came home lol He is still as adorable as ever--I look forward to the rest of our lives, watching him grow, having him over to play with his little nieces and nephews that will undoubtedly not be even 10 years younger than he is...weird.
My show started again, Supernatural...it really sucks that I have to work on some Thursdays. I like having Lifeguard Boy over to watch it with me...what I think I like most about him is that I feel like I can just be 100% Nicole around him. Because if there is anyone I know that is possibly weirder than I am, it is him, and I love it that way--it makes him very interesting. I just wish he saw me as more than just a good friend, although I would definitely take good friend over acquaintance or nobody any day.