I hate Verizon....

Aug 04, 2005 13:03

I don't know wich to hate more Verison DSL or Benton City... wither way they both suck goat balls for not being able to keep consistant service. My net has been down for weeks... I sign on and get a ton of Shit-grams asking where the fuck I've been ect. Apparently I'm also not a mod on 3citystoners anymore. Oh well... I'm used to Spaz brushing me off; I just wish it had accually been him this time and not someone logging on as him. In retrospect I hope Spaz found the $75 I put on his books at jail usefull (but knowing those assholes running the place it just went to paying off BS fines).

I'm glad to hear though that he is going to be out sooner than BCDC's website said. Originaly it stated that his initial court appearance was going to be Aug 8th (easy to remeber since Tig had court the same day), when I found out I told Mouse. (apparently wording it as the 8th of next month was a huge mistake since somehow it got retranslated to everyone that his courtdate wasn't till 28th of September and now people are all pissy saying that I'm talkin bullshit) Now come to find out (from a cousin of Spaz's I didn't even know existed till I logged on today) that his courtdate was on the 3rd and he gets out the ninth.

WTF- People know the courts around here are fucked and will change a person's court date without notice so why the FUCK are people jumping my shit for being misinformed! grrrrr.

WTF#2- Why is it that people can't talk to me or even fucking call me when they got a problem why is it that they gotta put this crap in print where I may not see it till way after anything could be done about it.
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